I Dream of Jeannie’s Barbara Eden, 92, Rocks Red Hot Look on Lunch Date In LA

I Dream of Jeannie's Barbara Eden- dailyjugarr

Decades after “I Dream of Jeannie” ended, lead actress Barbara Eden remains magical and iconic. she looked radiant on Thursday, May 23, while leaving a restaurant in Los Angeles. She proves that fabulousness does not have an expiration date.

The 92-year-old actress, who has not been seen much recently wore a bright red blazer, black pants, and a small heel as she left a Los Angeles restaurant. She also wore a blue and gold choker with matching earrings and carried a black bag under her arm.

Barbara became famous for playing Jeannie Larry Hagman as astronaut Captain Tony Nelson in the NBC comedy from 1965 to 1970. The show was about a 2000-year-old genie rescued by a U.S. astronaut, and it ran for five seasons with two spin-off films. Barbara was nominated for Golden Globe Awards for her role in 1966 and 1969.

She also starred in movies like Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961), Harper Valley PTA (1978), and Flaming Star (1960) with Elvis Presley. Barbara had small roles in shows like Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Dallas, and Burke’s Law. She continued acting until she was 90.

Over her career, Eden has starred in over 25 films 19 TV movies and five TV series. For her 92nd birthday in August 2023, she told , “she still loves her work and feels lucky to enjoy her career”.

Eden planned to celebrate her 92nd birthday with her husband Jon Eicholtz, whom she married in 1991 and friends at a Beverly Hills steakhouse. They also planned to host family at their home, where they live with their 60-pound Labradoodle, Bentley.

In her personal life, Barbara has been married three times and had one son, Matthew, who died in 2001 from a drug overdose. She is also an accomplished writer, with her memoir “Jeannie Out of the Bottle” being a New York Times Best Seller and she released a children’s book “Barbara and the Djinn” in 2021.

Recently, Eden recreated her famous genie pose for luxury real estate agent Marcel Remus. In photos , Eden poses in a red outfit for the genie-themed ad and in a white floral suit in front of the ad at the Cathedral of Palma in Mallorca, Spain.

In a previous interview with Closer, Eden shared her secret to feeling great in her 90s. “The secret to feeling great is to keep active, do things you love, and have a good sense of humor.” She echoed this sentiment in an interview with People, expressing gratitude for her life.

“I’m really lucky,” she said. “I have dear friends, a wonderful family, a very supportive husband, and an adorable but bratty dog! Yes, I’m very happy. I think life works itself out. There’s a reason for most things, and I can’t wish for it.”

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