How To Handle Dad’s Disapproval Of Daughter’s Hair Highlights


Birthdays are super exciting, especially for kids. Kelsey was pumped for her 13th birthday, ready to be a teenager! Since her parents were divorced, she had two celebrations in mind—one with her mom and another with her dad. But, surprise, things didn’t go as planned!

Two Birthday Parties for a Teenager Girl

Kelsey was gearing up for a big moment—her 13th birthday! Excitingly, she knew there would be not one, but two parties coming her way, thanks to her parents being separated. Turning 13 meant officially becoming a teenager, and having two birthday celebrations had become a familiar and special tradition for her.

A Special Birthday

Kelsey was on the brink of becoming a teenager, and she wanted this birthday to be unforgettable. To mark the transition, she thought of having a standout celebration. The idea? A sleepover with her closest friends. Sound like a plan?

Getting Highlights Like Other Girls

Although the birthday was really special for Kelsey, it was even more special for her because she was having highlights in her hair.As a lot of girls at school were getting highlights, Kelsey’s mother decided she was going to paying for the highlights of her daughter.

Off to Her Father’s Place

After a glamorous session at the salon, Kelsey headed to her dad’s house. Little did anyone know what his reaction would be upon seeing his daughter all dressed up. The suspense hung in the air.

She’s Not Alone

Similar to Kelsey, many young people have two families, allowing them to spend quality time with each parent. Thanks to a well-structured divorce agreement, both her mother and father were entitled to an equal amount of time with their beloved daughter. Surprisingly, they were perfectly okay with this arrangement.

Enjoying a Great Time

Kelsey’s weekends are always lively as she rotates between spending time with each parent. She particularly loves going to baseball games with her dad, and the fun is doubled with her two younger brothers joining in on the excitement.

A Beautiful Mother-Daughter Relationship

Just like many other kids, Kelsey shares a beautiful relationship with her mother. Despite not living together, the mother-daughter duo treasures every moment they spend together. Christin and Kelsey are more than just family; they’re the best of friends.

An Inseparable Bond

Kelsey’s bond with her mother is the kind of relationship many girls dream of having. She feels incredibly comfortable sharing everything with her. It’s evident that Kelsey considers herself lucky to have a caring and loving mother who is always there for her.

A Different Kind of Relationship With Dad

While it’s fair to say that Kelsey and her father get along well, their relationship isn’t quite the same. It seems that her father, Schaffen, might not be as invested in hearing about her stories of youth. This might explain why Kelsey finds herself drawn to spending more time with her mother than her father.

A Parents’ Decision That Could’ve Changed Her Life

When Kelsey was young, her parents made the tough decision to part ways. Surprisingly, this significant change didn’t have a major impact on her life. The reason? Kelsey has a large and supportive family—filled with siblings and cousins—who always surrounded her with love. The divorce might have been more challenging for her if she didn’t have such strong support.

An Athletic Girl

Despite the significant changes in her life due to her parents’ divorce, Kelsey has remained dedicated to her love for sports since she was a little kid. Her parents took great care to make sure that, despite the challenges, her passion and activities remained consistent. They worked to ensure that Kelsey’s life didn’t change too much, allowing her to continue doing what she loves.

An Agreement Made By Both Parents

Kelsey is fortunate because her parents have managed to maintain a good relationship even after their divorce. They reached an agreement on how to co-parent and raise their daughter. To ensure consistency in discipline and upbringing, Kelsey’s parents sat down and established a set of rules and guidelines that both agreed to follow.

A Family Visit to Lake Erie Every Month

Kelsey’s parents took her to Lake Erie, and she had a blast. Seeing her so happy, they decided to make it a monthly tradition, consistently taking her to the nearby Lake Erie. This became a cherished routine for all three of them.

Found New Love

Not long after the divorce, Kelsey’s father entered into a romantic relationship with another woman, a colleague from the fire station. Surprisingly, Kelsey was completely fine with it and even liked her father’s girlfriend a lot. The new relationship seemed to bring positive vibes into their lives.

Getting Married

Kelsey’s father didn’t waste much time and soon proposed to his newfound love. The couple opted for a simple yet heartfelt wedding at the local courthouse, and Kelsey was genuinely happy for her father. Despite dressing up for the occasion, they chose to skip an expensive ceremony, focusing on the joy of their union.

A Good Deal

Schaffen’s new wife turned out to be a good person, and Kelsey liked her too. The understanding was clear: there wouldn’t be any issues as long as her presence or their relationship didn’t interfere with the agreement both parents had made regarding how to raise their daughter. Clear boundaries helped maintain harmony in the family dynamic.

Everything Would Remain The Same

An agreement was reached that they would continue co-parenting Kelsey as initially decided, with no major changes. Kelsey was not just fine with this idea; she was genuinely happy for her father. The commitment to stability in their parenting arrangements brought a sense of security to Kelsey’s life.

Growing Up Among Strong Women

Kelsey is fortunate to have grown up surrounded by strong-willed women. From her childhood, these influential women have consistently supported and guided her, contributing to her growth and development.

Numerous Maternal Figures in Life

Kelsey’s godmother and aunt played crucial roles in her life, always providing advice whenever she needed it. Their guidance, enriched by their own experiences, offered Kelsey new perspectives. Because of this strong support system, Kelsey didn’t feel threatened by her stepmom, as she had the wisdom and encouragement from her godmother and aunt.

Close Proximity

Kelsey was truly fortunate as both her father and his new wife, along with her mother, lived in Fostoria, Ohio. This close proximity allowed all three of them to come together and make her birthdays truly memorable. The geographical closeness facilitated special moments that might not have been possible otherwise.

Not Like Other Girls

Choosing a gift for a teenager is already tricky, and it became even more challenging for Kelsey. Her unique hobbies set her apart from other girls her age, making it difficult to pick a practical and fitting gift that resonated with her interests. The task of finding the right present for Kelsey required extra thought and consideration.

Just One Simple Request

A Different Kind of Girl

Kelsey stood out from most girls her age because of her love for softball and fishing with her cousins. She was the type of girl who enjoyed being prepared for anything. Not only did she have all the necessary gear for her softball games, but she also had her fishing equipment fully prepared, showcasing her readiness for her favorite activities.

An Expensive Mia Hamm Jersey

For quite a few years, Kelsey had her heart set on a Mia Hamm jersey. The only problem was that these jerseys were way too expensive. Both Christin and Schaffen couldn’t afford the high price tag. So, they had to put their heads together and come up with a more budget-friendly alternative.

Counting the Days

For Kelsey, time seemed to be crawling along, a common feeling for a girl her age eagerly anticipating a milestone. As she counted down the days until officially becoming a teenager, she and her school friends started scouring the internet for cool party ideas, adding to the excitement of the approaching celebration.

Time Flies

Christin couldn’t believe how quickly her daughter had grown up. It felt like just yesterday when Kelsey came into this world. The realization that her daughter was soon turning 13 left Christin feeling both surprised and excited, a mix of emotions as she reflected on the passage of time.

Her Birthday, Her Choice

Recognizing the significance of this birthday for young Kelsey, her mother, Christin, wanted to choose a special gift. Christin decided to give her daughter the gift of choice, providing Kelsey with an opportunity to pick whatever she wanted, making the celebration even more meaningful.

A Beautiful Princess

Like many girls her age, Kelsey had a passion for doing hair and makeup. She particularly enjoyed the glamour of attending weddings. Christin was aware of Kelsey’s love for makeup, but she didn’t quite anticipate what her daughter would ask for in this regard. The upcoming request added an element of surprise to their shared interests.

Highlights as a Birthday Present

Kelsey confidently expressed her birthday wish to her mother, saying, “Mom, I want to get highlights for my 13th birthday.” She had a vision of spicing up her brown hair with some blonde highlights. The next chapter in the story reveals how her mother responded to this specific request.

A Worried Mother

Despite it appearing like a typical request, Kelsey’s desire for highlights sparked worry in her mother, Christin. She began to feel concerned, thinking that perhaps her daughter wasn’t confident in the way she looked. This subtle concern added a layer of emotion to the anticipation of Kelsey’s 13th birthday.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Christin reflected on the fact that she herself had been getting highlights long before Kelsey was born. Realizing that Kelsey might have been influenced by her, Christin decided not to worry about it anymore. This realization brought a sense of reassurance, understanding that their shared interests might be more of a connection than a reflection of any lack of confidence on Kelsey’s part.

Finding a Solution

As Kelsey’s hair had naturally darkened over the years, she expressed a desire for highlights. Christin recognized that getting highlights was a common practice, and it wasn’t a big deal. Understanding that she couldn’t refuse her daughter’s wish, Christin decided she knew what needed to be done to make Kelsey’s 13th birthday special.

A Great Daughter

While it was Kelsey’s birthday, that wasn’t the sole reason for her mother’s compliance. Christin agreed to the highlights not only because it was a special occasion but also because Kelsey is a fantastic daughter and a role model for her three younger brothers. The decision to fulfill Kelsey’s wish was a gesture of appreciation for the wonderful person she had become.

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