Our 23 Best Chocolate Dessert Recipes

  1. 6 Ultimate Chocolate Cake

    This chocolate cake is really, really good. One person said, "This is the chocolate cake you want." It has a rich cocoa frosting that's super fancy. They use Valrhona cocoa powder, which chefs like because it smells and tastes special. If you want the best chocolate cake, this is it!

  2. 7 Chocolate-and-Citrus Cassata

    This incredible holiday dessert is from Chef Rebecca Wilcomb's restaurant, Gianna, in New Orleans. When you're making it, you can make the cake look really nice by using tools like an offset spatula, a bench scraper, and a cake turntable. These tools will help you make the cake smooth and have straight sides. Also, when you're dealing with thedark chocolate ganache glaze, just use a spatula to stir the melting chocolate. This way, you won't get any pesky air bubbles in your glaze.

  3. 8 Chocolate pudding

    You'll be amazed at how easy it is to make these delightful desserts. With only six basic ingredients, and the good news is that you probably have most of them sitting in your pantry already. These homemade puddings are far superior to the ones you find in the store and take just 30 minutes from start to finish. So, when you're in the mood for a sweet treat, you can have these warm and gooey puds on your plate in no time!


    Molten chocolate lava cakes are like a chocolate dream. They're super rich and gooey inside, just like hot, flowing chocolate when you poke them with a fork. The best part is, you can make them at home, and it's really easy. You only need a few ingredients, and it takes about 20 minutes. If you think these cakes are delicious at a restaurant, you'll be blown away by how much better they taste when you make them yourself!

  5. 10 Air Fryer Brownies

    You can whip up these delightful gooey brownies that are a lot like molten chocolate cake, all thanks to your handy air fryer. They're quick to make and will be ready in less than an hour. These brownies have that irresistible fudgy texture that chocolate lovers adore, and they're baked in individual ramekins for a special touch. So, if you're craving a decadent dessert in a hurry, your air fryer is your best friend for creating these delicious treats!

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