A battered dog withdrew into solitude, seeking refuge from a world that had only shown her pain

A battered dog withdrew into solitude, seeking refuge from a world that had only shown her pain
A battered dog withdrew into solitude, seeking refuge from a world that had only shown her pain

When Hary was younger, he was a stray dog. Despite the fact that it has been a year since the guardian, who is also her owner, embraced Harry as a member of the family, she has not yet recovered from the anguish she experienced in the past… Within the confines of her home, she does nothing except remain still and unmoving. We were able to spot signs of abuse on her body if we took a deeper look when we examined her. Is it possible to win back her trust in any reasonable way?

Previously, Harry was a stray dog who roamed around in a small village in China. He was known as Harry. Harry is scrunched up in this tight-fitting house, and he is terribly terrified. Whenever she came across a person, she would become as immobile as a stone. The mere mention of her name would be enough to make her tremble.

Her proprietor made the following observation: “She would never come out of the room; she stays there like that all day long.” “She does nothing but sit in her room, curled up in the corner, and she does nothing but stay there.”

In spite of the fact that it has been a year since the family adopted Harry, Harry has not yet begun to reveal her feelings to the guardian.

Chicken soup was prepared by the guardian. He left the food there, and he gave her some space, with the intention that she would consume it when there was no one else nearby…

Upon arrival, a production crew from Kritter Klub, a well-known YouTube channel in China, made an attempt to provide assistance. However, they were unsuccessful, so they set up a camera and then left the scene.

Even if there is no one in the immediate vicinity, she continues to show no signs of emotion.

After a period of time. She makes her way towards the dinner, despite the peculiar position she is in. However, she was frightened by the barking of another dog, and she decided to walk back to her house. In spite of the fact that it was getting dark, she remained there for a few hours…

The following day… She’s still in her room

One of her owners, Guardian, made the following remark: “It’s such a great day today, so I want to take her out for some fresh air… I think it would be fun to hang out with some of my friends, Harry, so let’s go! To get her to move, this is the only way to do it.

“It is difficult to infer what Harry is thinking.” Why does she have such a strong aversion to other people? What happened to her? A year ago, she was observed on the street with a preoccupied expression on her face. She gave off the impression of having escaped from somewhere. One year has passed… not to mention that the scar has not yet healed.”

A veterinarian was present with the film crew, and he made an effort to calm her down, despite the fact that she was already agitated before the veterinarian even touched her.

“Her heart is beating very quickly,” the veterinarian noted. She gives off the impression of being calm, but in reality, she is really terrified, and her heart is beating very quickly. It’s not even possible for her to look at me, let alone yell and run away; she’s just trying to keep it in.

Thank goodness, there was no cause for fear regarding her health. In order to help her emerge into the world, it is necessary to remove her from her room and provide her with assistance.

According to the veterinarian, “This black house is really solid.” This not only provides her with emotional comfort, but it also helps her construct a stronger barrier between herself and the outside world. In the beginning, I think it would be appropriate to get rid of this residence. Harry was also supported by the production team, who jumped in to help.

It was suggested to the film crew by the veterinarian that moving her by holding her rather than putting her on a leash would make her feel more satisfied. And when they took her out of the house, she seemed to be experiencing a great deal of discomfort. Because she was so anxious, she had to urinate on herself…

To ensure that Harry did not experience feelings of isolation, the guardian spent a lot of time with her. No longer does she react with surprise whenever other people make an attempt to touch her. In the past, whenever someone approached her, she would tremble. Not any longer.

“I am going to be here with her whenever I have some spare time,” she announced. As her friend, I will remain by her side the entire time. I’m going to cultivate her into a brilliant young lady.

Now, Harry can glance at the guardian. Now, we see hope.

As a result of the distressing memory of being abandoned, Harry retreated from the company of other people. Despite the fact that we do not know when it will be completely cured, the guardian is showing her a great deal of love and sympathy. In the same way that Harry is, there are a great number of dogs that have been abandoned and are suffering from painful memories. These pets were once cherished by their families.

We hope there are no more unnamed abandoned pets in the world..

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