How to Find the Perfect Bachelor and Bachelorette Couple

  1. 6 Clare Crawley & Dale Moss ("The Bachelorette" Season 16)

    Breaking the norm, Clare Crawley and Dale Moss didn't wait until the final episode to ride off into the sunset. They fully embraced the "when you know, you know" mantra, as their engagement came only four episodes into Season 16 of The Bachelorette.

    Despite their quick engagement, Clare Crawley and Dale Moss decided to call it quits officially in September 2021. Crawley described the aftermath of their breakup as "very messy and very icky" while appearing on Jana Kramer's podcast Whine Down.

  2. 7 Peter Weber & Madison Prewett ("The Bachelor" Season 24)

    The finale of The Bachelor Season 24 saw Peter Weber proposing to Hannah Ann Sluss, but their relationship quickly unraveled. Realizing lingering feelings for runner-up Madison Prewett, Peter and Madison ultimately chose not to pursue a relationship, concluding the season with an unexpected turn of events.

    In a candid Instagram post, Weber acknowledged the difficulty of their decision, stating, "Believe me, this was not easy for either of us to be okay with, but after a lot of honest conversations, we have agreed that this is what makes the most sense for the two of us. The love and respect I have for Madi will continue to endure." Subsequently, Weber went on to date Kelley Flanagan, but their relationship concluded in December 2020.

  3. 8 Chris Bukowski & Katie Morton ("Bachelor in Paradise" Season 6)

    Despite leaving Mexico engaged at the end of Bachelor in Paradise, Chris Bukowski and Katie Morton's happiness was short-lived once they returned home. Although it seemed like they were ready to embark on a future together, the strain on their relationship became apparent, with Morton even ceasing to wear her engagement ring.

    Attempting to salvage their relationship, the couple made efforts to reconcile, but ultimately, they decided to part ways. In December 2019, Chris Bukowski and Katie Morton announced their breakup through a statement to E! News, stating, "We've reached a point in our story where we agree it's best to go our separate ways."

  4. 9 Hannah Brown & Jed Wyatt ("The Bachelorette" Season 15)

    Hannah Brown made her initial appearance in the dating franchise alongside Colton Underwood on The Bachelor. Despite finishing in seventh place, she was given a second chance as the lead on The Bachelorette. However, her journey on the latter show turned out to be even more disappointing.

    Hannah Brown chose Jed Wyatt as her fiancé on The Bachelorette, but their relationship took a bitter turn when it was exposed that Wyatt was already in a relationship and had joined the show to boost his music career. In an attempt to move on, Brown asked runner-up Tyler Cameron out on a date, but their relationship didn't progress much further, leaving her with a still mended heart.

  5. 10 Hannah Godwin & Dylan Barbour ("Bachelor in Paradise" Season 6)

    Hannah Godwin faced a love triangle with Dylan Barbour and Blake Horstmann on Bachelor in Paradise. Ultimately, she made a wise choice and accepted Dylan's engagement by the show's final episode.

    Initially navigating a long-distance relationship between Los Angeles and San Diego, Hannah Godwin and Dylan Barbour's situation took an unexpected turn during pandemic lockdowns. Finding themselves unexpectedly living together, they decided to take their relationship to the next level by purchasing a house in San Diego.

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