Abbi Jacobson and Jodi Balfour Are Married: Let’s Have a Look At Their Relationship Timeline

Abbi Jacobson and Jodi Balfour Are Married- dailyjugarr

Abbi Jacobson, famous for being on “Broad City” and Jodi Balfour who you might know from “Ted Lasso” have a beautiful love story that’s got everyone in Hollywood talking. They recently got married in New York at a place called Public Records. Even though it rained unexpectedly, their wedding was still amazing. They had music, dancing and lots of surprises indoors.

Their story started in 2020 when they met online and quickly fell for each other. Then, in October 2021 they let everyone know they were together with a sweet message on Instagram. They got engaged in August 2022 right after they showed up together on the red carpet for Abbi’s new show “A League of Their Own.”

Relationship Timeline

  • January 2022: Abbi revealed on a podcast that they met on the dating app Raya during the pandemic.
  • October 2021: They went public with their relationship marking their one-year anniversary on social media.
  • June 2021: Jodi came out as queer sharing her feelings on Instagram during Pride Month.
  • August 2022: They made their red carpet debut after getting engaged at the premiere of “A League of Their Own.”
  • September 2022: They attended The Hollywood Reporter’s Emmy Party together.
  • October 2022: They were spotted at the Human Rights Campaign National Dinner in Washington, DC, where Abbi was honored.
  • November 2022: Abbi shared a selfie of them with “I Voted” stickers encouraging followers to vote.
  • February 2023: Jodi posted photos from their trip to Rome.
  • March 2023: They attended the “Ted Lasso” season 3 premiere together.

Their relationship is thriving, and they continue to support each other both personally and professionally.

Their wedding was not like the usual ones you see, especially with the rain but it showed how much they love each other and how creative they are. They had their friends and family with them and enjoyed every moment like their first dance and a traditional Hora dance with their moms.

Abbi and Jodi’s love story shows that love can overcome anything. Fans are excited to see what’s next for this Hollywood power couple as they keep going on their journey together.

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