‘Abandoned’ Babies Lose Hope That Anyone Will Come to Their Aid.

‘Abandoned’ Babies Lose Hope That Anyone Will Come to Their Aid.
‘Abandoned’ Babies Lose Hope That Anyone Will Come to Their Aid.

Cartagena, Colombia, was experiencing a day that was hot and humid when a local citizen was strolling past a bus stop when they observed something peculiar on top of a trash pile that was close. As he moved closer to the overflowing garbage in order to get a better look at it, he noticed that there were two puppies laying on the heap of waste paper and plastic.

The infants, who appeared to be around a month old, were wandering around by themselves; neither their mother nor the other members of their litter were in the vicinity. Despite the fact that they appeared to be sleeping deeply, the Good Samaritan was able to determine that the puppies required immediate medical assistance. As a result, he dropped everything and called Isla Animal, a reputable canine rescue organization.

Isla Animal
Isla Animal

Isla Animal’s founder, Lina Patino, hurried to the bus terminal, and her rescue companion, Jennifer Ponsford, followed closely after. While attempting to escape the oppressive heat, Patino and Ponsford snatched the teeny-tiny puppies from the ground and drove them directly to the shelter that Isla Animals operates.

In an interview with The Dodo, Patino stated that the items were discarded in a rubbish can located close to the bus terminal. “They were destined to come to an end…”

Isla Animal

The babies were coated in ticks, and their distended tummies suggested that they had parasites. Patino and Ponsford were able to determine that the puppies were in a grave state. However, the devoted rescuers did not give up on the two siblings who were in need of assistance.

They suffered from malnutrition… According to Patino, “we provided them with food, water, antiparasitic medication, and tick repellent.” Due to the fact that they were so unhappy and lethargic for the first twenty-four hours, I was convinced that they would not survive… that they would pass away.

Isla Animal

Patino and Ponsford were concerned about the puppies with the names Enrique and Beto, which they had given them. In the days that followed, however, they were pleasantly astonished to see the resilient infants begin to make significant progress, which brought them great joy.

It was Patino who stated that on the third day, they had more vitality than they had ever had before. We administered therapeutic baths to them in order to treat their skin issues, and ever since then, they have been doing exceptionally well.

Isla Animal

It is because of the love and care that Patino and Ponsford have shown the puppies, who will shortly reach two months old, that they are feeling better than they ever have before. The babies are now getting the nutrition they require to help them grow healthier and stronger now that they have been freed from the parasites and ticks that had existed in their environment.

Beto and Enrique are typically seen having a good time together when they are not occupying one other’s company for the purpose of taking a nap. The two siblings are having a wonderful time in their newfound puppy existence, despite the fact that they still have some maturation to go through before they can be adopted.

Isla Animal

Beto and Enrique are looking forward to getting their first round of puppy vaccines in the near future, and they are also excited to meet the people who will be their children for the rest of their lives. However, for the time being, the two individuals who have survived are taking in all of the love that their rescuers have to offer. The elated individuals who came to their rescue couldn’t be happier for them.

It was Patino who said, “They relied on luck and encountered angels.”

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