40 Fashion Mistakes That Make People Seem Older Than They Are

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40 Fashion Mistakes That Make People Seem Older Than They Are

Fads are temporary in nature, and fashion publications regularly advocate for nostalgic styles. However, just because these retro trends are promoted, it doesn’t imply that they won’t cause some individuals to appear older than their actual age.

Big Hair Don’t Care

You desire a hairstyle that is both stylish and voluminous, but it’s important to understand that excessive volume may not always be beneficial. Going beyond a certain point not only gives you an exaggerated height, but it can also create an impression of aging that you may not desire.

Matchy Matchy

Alright, we need to discuss lipstick. It’s important for your lipstick to complement your attire and color theme. This is a fundamental principle for achieving a well-coordinated appearance. However, this doesn’t imply that the colors must be an exact match.

For example, the lipstick shade that is similar to the color of the top can ruin the stylish and enjoyable appearance, transforming it into a matronly look. This fashion style is outdated and should not be revived. A better alternative is to experiment with lighter shades or neutral colors that complement the outfit.

Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair

Do you remember the era of the 1960s when extremely long hair was very fashionable? Some women still prefer to have long hair to cover what they believe are their imperfections. However, having hair that is excessively long can also make you look older as you age.

According to most stylists, it is recommended that mature women should not have hair longer than their waist because longer hair tends to have less volume due to its weight.

They Are Not Jeans

Jeggings are a beloved clothing item that is both comfortable and versatile, as they can be paired with a variety of tops and outfits. They resemble jeans, but it is important to note that they are not actually jeans.

Jeggings cannot replace a properly fitting pair of jeans because they are usually thin and reveal more bumps and cellulite than desired. As a result, they tend to create an older appearance and can be uncomfortable.

Isn’t That Heavy

There is a distinction to be made between a statement jewelry item, costume jewelry, and what is considered as flashy or tacky jewelry. People might confuse statement pieces with the flashy option, resulting in the outfit appearing poorly coordinated and the person being perceived as older.

One can opt for a standout accessory or even choose costume jewelry, which can be toned down a bit. It is preferable to keep it simple, as it will not distract from the spectacular outfit.

A Little Color?

Many people desire the radiant glow that accompanies a natural tan, but some individuals find it difficult to achieve this due to their location or personal reasons. This is why artificial tanning products were developed, although it is not a straightforward solution.

If you use the tanner excessively, it has the potential to stain your skin permanently. Additionally, the color may not appear natural, so it is advisable to use it sparingly if you desire a beautiful skin tone.

Just a Little Shape

During the beginning of the 2000s, it was trendy to have thin and well-defined eyebrows. Overplucked eyebrows became obsolete, and it’s fortunate because they don’t enhance anyone’s appearance.

Therefore, those who continue to cling to the fad are revealing their age and making themselves age prematurely. It is recommended to opt for a fuller or thicker eyebrow instead. Choose a style that complements your facial features and stick to it.

T-Shirt From Here to There

Amidst the sweltering summer season, individuals yearn for relief and a sense of ease. One convenient solution is to opt for a dress that has a light and airy feel, such as a t-shirt. Although this is undoubtedly an appealing option, the concept of a jersey dress may seem a bit old-fashioned.

The material has a tendency to cling to the body and appear inexpensive due to its lightweight texture. Additionally, the clinging nature causes wrinkles and gathers around any flaws or irregularities present.

Pastel Ya!

Currently, pastel colors are in fashion and a lot of individuals are embracing the monochrome style. Nonetheless, this specific style may not be appropriate for mature women due to the fact that as you grow old, your skin can become less toned. As a result, light colors could make you look pale and accentuate the signs of aging.

It implies that wearing an all one-color outfit is not recommended for you, however, it doesn’t prohibit you from wearing pastel colors. You can still wear them, but in combination with a darker pair of jeans or any garment that opposes the lightness of the pastels.

Touching the Ground

As women age, they should be cautious when wearing maxi skirts because of their loose fit which may conceal their legs but not necessarily enhance their waistline.

To wear a maxi skirt effectively, it’s important to coordinate it with the appropriate top. This entails pairing a more fitted top with a looser skirt or a more relaxed top with a fitted skirt.

Cakin’ it On

Throughout the years, our skin gets exposed to various factors such as the damaging effects of the sun and other environmental impacts. This exposure may lead to the development of imperfections and wrinkles, prompting some women to conceal them by applying makeup. However, piling on excessive makeup may worsen the condition instead of improving it.

If you use too much makeup, you will appear older. Instead, use lighter products like tinted moisturizers that have multiple benefits. Finish off with a bit of powder for a more youthful look.

Show Some Neck!

Women tend to be highly aware of what they perceive as imperfect, causing them to possibly use excessive makeup or choose clothing with a higher hemline. As they grow older, many women become increasingly self-conscious about their necks.

When the skin loses its elasticity, you may feel like wearing turtlenecks to hide it. However, it’s not recommended as attempting to conceal it may end up bringing more attention to that particular area.

If It’s Not Broke

One factor that may make you appear older than your actual age is becoming stagnant. Sometimes, we discover a hairstyle that complements our features and boosts our confidence, but this may eventually become an issue.

Just like any other trend, hairstyles also change frequently. Therefore, you might be showing your age if you don’t try out new designs. To check if you are doing this, you can look at a picture of yourself from over five years ago. If your hairstyle is still identical, then it’s time to make a change.

Goth Lips

With the arrival of fall and winter, it’s expected that darker lip shades will become more popular. Although this trend is fashionable, it may not be suitable for some mature women. Aging affects not just our skin, but also our lips, causing them to become paler and thinner.

During autumn and winter, the deep and somber hues can draw more attention to these features. Additionally, dark shades can cause the lips to become dehydrated and potentially emphasize any fine lines or creases.

It Needs to Go Together

It’s not necessary to wear a set of jewelry altogether just because they come in a set. This applies to fashion in general, particularly to jewelry. A useful approach followed by many fashion enthusiasts is to avoid wearing both earrings and necklace simultaneously.

Wearing excessive jewelry that matches each other can make you look weighed down and older than you actually are. It is better to mix and match pieces to have a variety of options and prevent the appearance of trying too hard.

Is That My Grandma’s Couch?

Floral prints have their place. In the spring season, they are a nice light way to show that spring has sprung. Not for an everyday errand kind of day, as an all-over floral print can send the message to people that you are older than you want them to think you are.

If you do want to wear a floral print anything, you will have to be very selective. Try to stay away from large floral prints. Instead, go for smaller prints.


Wearing your underwear so people can see it or even poorly fitted underwear should never be a thing. Nowadays, there are plenty of brands and styles that can help you make sure neither of those two things occurs.

Of the two, the ill-fitting underwear may be the biggest culprit of premature fashion aging. If your underwear doesn’t fit right, they can cause unwanted lines to show through. This can ruin your ensemble so quickly.

Right to Bare Arms

Just like the neck, a woman’s arm becomes a place of self-consciousness as they age. Your skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, and that may make you reach for that long sleeve to hide them.

This is natural, but like covering your neck, opting for a long sleeve may draw more attention to the area than you actually wanted. Plus, this often leads to sweating, and that can attract even more attention.

Sheer Panic

We know that to have some of those classic nylon stockings on, it was the right thing to do when you left the house with a skirt on. But those days are gone, and it’s perfectly acceptable to leave the house with your legs uncovered.

Since the style is now super outdated, you may be aging yourself if you still do this. So — make sure you shave, lotion the legs, and try to go out without those stockings.

Rockstars Do It

We can’t all rock eyeliner like Johnny Depp, nor should we try. Plastering on the dark makeup can make one look older. Why? The biggest reason is that it’s heavy and can weigh your look down. This, in turn, adds years onto your face.

Plus, this makeup has a tendency to smudge as you go through your day (even if it says it doesn’t). This smudging could add more to any bags or dark circles under your eyes, and also years.

Let’s Brooch the Subject

Okay, so there’s a difference between classic and antiquated. For example, a brooch — this is antiquated and not classic. Pearls are classic (with the right outfit). Yes, it used to be all the rage to draw attention with a stylish and attention-grabbing brooch but not anymore.

This fad is long gone, although at one point, it was actually hip to add a brooch to your ensemble. Today, though, it’ll easily show your age and even add some years onto it. So, save those brooches. Who knows, maybe they will make a comeback…

No, Capri Is an Island

It seems that as we age, we get less comfortable letting our legs be out and about. That means shorts become something we like to stay away from. But, we still want shorter pants that are lightweight especially during the summer months — enter capri pants.

The problem with capris is where the hem lands. They often stop mid-calf and that can be very unflattering no matter what age you are. This can make the legs look thicker. So, if you are looking for shorter pants, try ankle pants or even culottes.

Jeans Are for the Kids

Sometimes we get crazy ideas in our head as we begin to mature. One of these is that jeans are a young person’s game. A good fitting pair of jeans is maybe one of the greatest pleasures in the world, and it’s not just for the youngsters.

In fact, there should be at least one pair of perfectly fitting jeans in everyone’s wardrobe. So — find your silhouette, get out there, and buy a pair of those jeans you’ve been dying for. A wardrobe without them will make you seem old.

Color Pallets Matter

There are more color options every year. With that, there are some really beautiful colors that catch our eye. However, just because we like them doesn’t mean that they will play nice with our skin tone or coloring.

Wearing the wrong tone can actually give you a sickly pallor or wash you out. If you have a warm skin tone, you will have an easier time pulling off warmer tones. For people with cooler complexions, cooler tones are the way to go!

Tweed it Away

Tweed goes through its phases of being in trend. Even when it is, it’s not a fabric that people who are seeking to look younger should wear. This is simply because it is a fabric that’s known for being worn by older individuals.

If you are trying to adopt the menswear look, you should instead look at more flattering options. A nice windowpane or pinstripe suit is a good option to play with. It’ll look better and probably feel better, too.

Is it Hot in Here?

When you are finishing out your makeup look, you might want to go for a little touch of rosy hue on your cheeks. This is perfectly fine, but it results in a poorly put-together look and may add some years to your look when you overdo it.

When applying blush, be sure to make it look subtle. You should just be able to see a little color, and that’s it. Too much blush can not only make you look older but it can also make it look like you have some sort of skin condition.

I See!

One accessory that many people overlook that can add some years to an individual is their eyewear. Not so much sunglasses, although they can be a telltale sign of when you grew up if you’re not careful — but definitely your everyday eyewear.

When we find a pair of glasses that look good on our faces, we tend to hold on for dear life. However, wearing a set that’s out of date can be detrimental to our look. So, update your eyewear as often as you can.

Let Me Wear Your Sweater

So, this one may seem a little controversial and it could depend on how you put the outfit together, but cardigans do seem to be associated with older individuals. There are a lot of reasons that this is true.

The fabrics and silhouettes used in the design of most cardigans are not so flattering. They tend to be boxy, and that makes them a no-no for a tailored look. Instead of using these, try a jacket or even a blazer.

Tying Up Loose Ends

When the colder months come around, it’s inevitable that some people will reach for the decorative scarf to tie an outfit together. Though this is not necessarily untrendy, it may be a wrong choice for some.

This is because some of us are trying to hide our necks, but doing so can draw attention straight to that area — not to mention that when you look more conservative in your dress, you tend to look a little older, too.

No Belt, No Service

For the most part, wearing more tailored or body-appropriate clothes will make you look slimmer and younger. But, there are some styles that offer a more boxy fit, which can be bad.

When it comes to sheath dresses or even boxy tunics, they don’t do anything for the figure. This is why you often see women belting them. This defines the waist and may just be the perfect accessory to make you look — and feel — a little younger.

Elvira Called

Remember when you were first told that black is so flattering. This is true, and there is nothing wrong with the occasional homage to the darker side of your personality. A black outfit can look classy and put together.

However, wearing all black every day from head to toe can make you look older. If you want to do an all-black outfit, try playing with textures or adding some jewelry for a pop of color.

Linebacker Style

The ’80s were known for a few things — big hair, neon colors, and shoulder pads. None of these are quite as out of fashion as the shoulder pads. So, unless you are having an ’80s day at work, stay away from these.

These give your silhouette a box shape and give you a dated look, making you look older. There are more structured and tailored shoulder pad options if you have to have them, so invest in these if this is the case.

What About the Highlights?

Remember when chunky highlights were in? Of course you do, and because you do, you have to know that the look is way past its prime. This means sporting this kind of hairstyle is like wearing the same haircut for decades — bad.

You can still use highlights but try styles like balayage or others that are individualized and styled for your look. These types of highlights will look more natural without adding years to your overall appearance.

Wearing Sentimental Items

One distraction from ensuring that you look your age is carrying on wearing those items of clothing or accessories that have sentimental value. It might be a gift from someone your love or maybe it once belonged to a lost loved one.

Ultimately though, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Your best bet is to resize the item, store it away somewhere or maybe even donate it. Who knows, maybe that item you’re hanging onto will come back into style at some point.

You Didn’t Show Off Your Figure

We have already established in this article that the older we get, the more we feel a need to wear looser clothes. But many of us adhere to this rule anyway when we are still young. Oversized, bulky outfits are a one-way trip to looking older than you are.

Blouses, sweaters, long skirts and trousers simply aren’t the way to go, unless you are cold. On the flip side, older individuals shouldn’t feel like they always have to hide their figures.

You Wear Chunky Shoes

Sure, boots and chunky heels come into fashion every once in a while, but generally, it’s impossible to deny that many versions do look kind of weird. They just make your feet look bigger than the rest of your body.

Your best bet is to go for something a bit more understated, like strap flats or kitten heels. The smaller the footwear, the more petite you will appear to be. Moreover, it’s been about 30 years since chunky sneakers were the way to go.

Carrying Old-Fashioned Hangbags

Sure, the Queen rocks this classic handbag look in virtually every public appearance she makes. But let’s face it, not everyone is the Queen now, are they? Louis Vuitton purses were once all the rage, not anymore though.

With so many different styles and colors to choose from, we would recommend going with small clutches or purses at this moment in time – that’s what is in right now. Another couple of options worth checking include studded backpacks or leather totes.

Tying Jackets Around Our Waists

Sure, this is a trend that seems to be in right now. Wearing your flannel or jacket around your waist is a good practical idea. You never know if you are going to need it or not. However, it doesn’t look particularly flattering on whoever’s wearing it.

Let’s face it – this is only going to make our hips look bigger than they are. Instead, one should consider draping it over one’s shoulders. Or why not try fitting it in your purse?

Too Many Floral Designs

There is no denying that floral design dresses are a nice thing to put on every once in a while. However, if you are spotted too often in this kind of dress, people might start to mistake you for being older than you actually are.

Sure, the odd floral design can go down a treat during those scenic summer walks and picnics. But you don’t want to feel like that’s all you have in the closet.

Never Wearing Heels

So many of us despise wearing heels – primarily because they can be incredibly uncomfortable to wear. However, the social norm is to wear them more often than not. And if you want to look your age, you might have to make that sacrifice every once in a while.

Kitten heels are OK to try here and there and booties will provide you with heels while maximizing comfort. So there are ways to deal with this issue.

Logo Clothes

You would assume that the more big brand logos that can be seen on your clothes, the more fashionable you come across as. However, you couldn’t be further from the truth. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are – it just looks tacky at the end of the day.

Sure, you might be able to get away with it when you are a teenager. But once you hit 21, you should be expected to tone things down in the logo department.

Same-Fit Pairings

The following rule is ignored by more people than you would expect. Basically, when you decide to pair tops and bottoms, you need to make sure you do the following: if your bottoms are loose, the top should be tighter and vice versa.

If you don’t end up following this rule, then you could potentially come across as lazy or sloppy. If you do follow the rule, you will be looked at as an organized, stylish individual.

Be Careful of Wearing Mini-Everything

We can be tempted to slip into smaller clothes in order to accentuate our figure and look the part during a night out on the town. But the older you get, the question of “how short is too short” becomes more and more pressing. “Mini” anything needs to be carefully considered before actually worn.

Female empowerment means different things for different people, but when it concerns how old you want to look, it might be best to go a bit too conservative as opposed to the opposite.

Non-Tailor Made

Having a nice suit is an essential addition to any wardrobe. It can be a chic choice for interviews or business functions or even important family events. But, that’s only if it’s the right color and silhouette for your body.

A poorly-tailored suit can make you look sloppy and even hide some of your figure — all of which may make you seem a little older than your license says you are.

Can You Turn Your Nails Down?

It’s tempting to go for fun colors at the nail salon when getting your nails done. But, if you are an older woman, you may want to stay away from the exceptionally bright colors or ones that have sparkle.

This will draw attention to your hands — one of the places that reveal your age more than other parts of your body. By donning the bright color, you may just be saying, look at my hands. Now ask me how old I am?

Strut On

So, let us preface this by saying if you wear this style of heel because you can’t walk in anything taller than this, then, by all means, go with it. Just dress it up with some more stylish outfits.

That being said, the kitten heel is way past its expiration date. If you have a problem walking in heels as we mentioned above, you could always go with a more wedgy heel instead of kitten heels. This may help move your outfit into the trendy column.

Eyeshadow Blues

Not all blue eyeshadow is terrible, but some shades could help in aging your face a little. The worst is the lighter blues. The hue of the shadow you choose can affect your overall look more than you know.

In fact, many makeup experts suggest that if you want to do a colored eye shadow, go for a darker, less pigmented color. This will keep it from making you look older.

Something Is Off

You may have put together a killer outfit that makes you look and feel young. However, if you don’t put that face together, all your hard work might go down the drain. One of the big mistakes is choosing the wrong foundation.

The wrong shade can either make you look weirdly tan or like you’ve just seen a ghost. So, choosing the right shade is crucial. The best way to do this is to use the back of your hand and see if you get a close enough match.

Fashion is a variable concept that tends to change from season to season and year to year. However, these moms and daughters were here to prove that some outfits never go out of style.

Bring it Back from the Nineties

Traditionally, prom dresses resemble long gowns. But this mother and daughter duo taught us that you can rock a short dress to prom and still look picture-perfect. Another all-black classic, this tea-length dress with a flared silhouette worked just as well at this daughter’s 2016 prom as it did for her mom back in 1991.

Keep it Classic

When this young woman was getting ready for her prom, she pulled her mom’s old prom dress out and struck gold. This stunning gown takes confidence and pretty good taste to pull off. The dress itself is already impressively patterned, drawing the eye more than a simple black dress would on its own. In addition, the abdomen cutout is an interesting touch that makes this dress memorable. Plus, the additional fabric around the abdomen adds to how dynamic the design is.

Mesh, Beads, and More

When this teen wore her mother’s old dress to prom, she did so with a joke. She posted these two pictures with the caption, “1989 is like, super in right now.” Her mother responded, “I can hardly find words. Yes, this vintage dress came from my closet – right out of 1989, my senior prom!” As gorgeous as this dress is, it’s no surprise that it still worked so well years later. The mesh fabric neckline and the beading are particularly beautiful.

Peachy Keen

This teen found a gem as her mother shared on social media where she stated, “Look what we found at my mom’s!” It was a great find, indeed! Instead of opting for a bright prom dress, these ladies went more subtle with a neutral peach that brings a pop of color without being too harsh. Even better, after 26 years packed away, they pulled the dress and shoes out only to realize they were the perfect size for this generation’s prom-goer.

A Red Statement

This teen posted her prom look with the caption, “Found my prom dress in my mom’s closet. I wore the same dress my mom wore for her prom 2015 | 1990.” The dress is definitely a statement thanks to its eye-catching red color. Plus, the neckline really draws the eye thanks to the beadwork on the chest. While her mother’s accessories complement the dress well, we have to appreciate the earrings that this daughter wore to match the beading.

Blue Sequin Dream

This mother-daughter pairing went for a bright color and some beautiful tailoring to catch the attention of everyone at their proms. Not only do both of these women look stunning in this blue, sequined gown but it’s made all the better by the details. For instance, the beading on the neckline is stunning enough to capture the attention of anyone with an eye for fashion. Plus, they both add their own flair with their taste in makeup to match the gown.

Beaded and Beautiful

When Aiden Whittemore was getting ready for prom, she posted this picture of her date alongside a picture of her mom in the same dress. Captioned, “Me (2017) in my mom’s junior prom dress (1996),” we have to appreciate these ladies’ sense of style. They opted for a more bold look for their prom appearances but instead of choosing a flashy color, they drew eyes with beadwork that reflected the light gorgeously. We also have to admire what great condition the dress is in too!

All in the Alterations

This teen wore her mom’s old prom dress to her own prom and posted the results with the caption, “Saved money on prom by going vintage – I wore my momma’s prom dress!” We have to say, the results are stunning. She also showed us that there’s more to wearing a vintage dress than just putting the dress on. With a little tailoring and a few alterations, she brought this dress into the modern era without making it unrecognizable.

A Bit of ’70s Flair

The 1970s is one of those iconic eras that we still love to harken back to. From the music to the fashion, there’s a lot that we’ll still borrow from. While the suit that her mom’s prom date wore might raise a few eyebrows today, this teen rocked her mom’s prom dress to her own prom like it was brand new. She posted pictures on social media saying, “Since I was wearing my mom’s senior prom dress from the ‘70s, we had to recreate this gem.”

A New Tradition

When this teen shared her prom photos alongside her mom’s, she captioned it, “I think we just started a tradition…” We have to say, it seems like a great tradition to start! This simple black dress is made all the more gorgeous by the details. With embroidered details and a fabric layer that catches the light just right, both mother and daughter looked great for prom. This daughter’s statement piece jewelry also makes the look work well.

A Red Silhouette

This red dress with a slender silhouette is the type of dress that never goes out of style. This mother and daughter rocked the same dress years apart and it withstood the test of time well. This is also another case where the design of the dress is timeless as well as stunning on the people wearing it. For instance, the plunging neckline and the slit up the skirt are two details that have stuck around for ages for a reason.

Grandma’s in it Too!

This set of photos is particularly impressive because you get the chance to see this gown through multiple generations. While the silhouette has slimmed down, you can still tell that this is the same dress. Moving from the left to right, you can see grandma in the first picture followed by her daughter and two granddaughters all in the same gown. This ball gown was first worn in 1962 but it still looks stunning in the most recent photo in 2013.

Shaking it Up

These two ladies rocked the same prom dresses too. Mom first wore this collared gown back in 1996 for her prom while the daughter brought it back for her prom in 2016. The collar on this dress, alongside the lacework, is really what makes it pop. However, the most interesting thing in the side-by-side is how they made the look their own each time. While the mom opted for a neutral look, her daughter livened it up with neon hair and plenty of accessories.

Saving it for This Day

This hand-me-down dress was just waiting for the day it could come off the rack again. As it would seem, it was an effort that was well worth the wait. This teen posted her prom dress with the caption, “My mom had been saving her old prom dress for all these years just so her future daughter could try it on.” It took some pretty heavy planning ahead but the end result is gorgeous and both mother and daughter look fantastic.

Adding Length

When this teen posted her passed-down prom dress with the caption, “My mom going to her senior prom 1987 vs. me going to my senior prom 2017 (same dress just a few changes made,” we were blown away. Seeing an altered dress isn’t out of the ordinary but we are used to seeing older dresses shortened to make them look more modern. Interestingly, this teen chose to add length to the dress, making it look stunning and creative.

Little Black Dress

There are certain styles that always stay in popularity. Back in 2015, this teenager nailed an iconic style with a Tweet that read, “Wore my mama’s dress to prom.” One of the reasons that this dress works so well years later is that it’s a flattering, sleek outline with features such as a slit up the skirt that is still used in today’s fashion. However, it’s helped along by the fact that it offers a pop of color with the golden straps.

A Classic Look

This dress lasted through two generations for good reason – it’s a gorgeous gown that anyone would be able to appreciate. The simple design is absolutely timeless and classic. The mother posted the picture of herself and her daughter wearing the same dress at their separate proms with the comment, “My daughter’s prom was this past weekend and she wore my prom dress from 20 years ago as well – black dresses are never out of style.”

Be Bold

We wonder how this mom felt about her daughter’s re-working of her prom dress from 1986. After all, she didn’t wear it to a traditional prom but her school’s tacky prom. Tacky proms are a concept that turns traditional proms on their head. They mimic a prom but students are encouraged to dress tacky, as the name suggests. This teen used the chance to throwback to decades past by pulling out her mother’s boldly patterned dress for the night.

A Vintage Masterpiece

This generational set of images is stunning in a variety of ways. It was posted with the caption, “Mom and I shared several dresses, 24 years apart.” While the images and caption don’t mention a date, we can estimate that the mother in this set of photos went to prom in the 1950s. After all, just take a look at those gloves – they were made popular in the 1950s alongside a very ’50s-esque hairstyle. However, the dress still looked in-style years later!

Stunning Sequins

There are certain bits of fashion that have always served as a statement piece. For instance, this dress that’s absolutely covered in black sequins for a glittering finish. This mom posted these two side-by-side photos with the explanation, “Me at prom on the left in 1990. My daughter in my dress going to her prom in 2014.” Both of these women rocked their bold look at prom well and left us stunned with the results.

Mom’s Dress, Dad’s Picture

It seems like this teen not only inherited her mom’s prom dress in this photoset but a familiar pose with her dad as well. It makes for a touching family photo album. The dress itself is bold and eye-catching as well. While her mom, Amy, wore it in 2003, this teen, Tori, wore the dress again at her 2016 prom. It’s a bright blue and between the patterning and material, it almost looks as though it glitters under the light.

A Pop of White

Sometimes, a spot of contrast is exactly what it needs to stand out. For this dark red gown, the answer was white lace appliques that really escalate the style of the dress. The mother in this duo posted the pictures saying, “1993 that’s me on the left and 23 years later my daughter on the right did the same thing for her prom 2017. I’m happy she likes my style. This is the second time she got to wear my dresses from high school…Moms rock.”

From Wedding to Prom

This image is particularly touching because this teen opted for her mom’s vintage dress but it wasn’t a prom dress at all! Instead, this teen wore her mom’s wedding dress to her prom. It might be a little shocking to see a long red dress used for a wedding rather than a white one but it wasn’t always this shocking. Apparently, wedding dresses weren’t popularly white until 1840 which Queen Victoria made it popular. Before that, red was a common choice.

A Little Bit of Lace

There’s no wonder that this prom dress looks so good later on – the style is timeless! Not only does it prescribe to the black gown standard of formal attire but it has beautiful details to boot. This mom posted these pictures with the caption, “Who knew my only daughter would wear MY prom dress 22 years later! She looked absolutely beautiful!” We have to say, the dress is gorgeous and both women wear it well. The lacing around the neckline makes a particularly great statement.

Homemade With Love

When this mom shared these two photos, she stated, “Prom 1980-something, prom 2016.” Even sweeter, she mentioned that the dress was even a little more sentimental than it looks at first glance. The dress wasn’t originally purchased for a prom either but rather made. Not only did this teen get a chance to wear a gown her mother wore to her own prom, but it’s a dress that her grandmother made as well! Plus, how lucky are they that the dress fits through the generations?

Burgundy Beauty

While this mother didn’t quite get the chance to see her daughter wear her dress to her own prom, she did get the chance to see her in the dress. “She didn’t wear it to prom but I at least got her to try it on and stand in the same spot the morning of her prom day at my parents’ house…20 years later.” Honestly, it’s impressive not only that they both look great but that they managed to get the same picture as well!

White on White

This teen shows us that not every timeless dress has to feature a darker color scheme. Instead, this mother-daughter pair decided to both rock a white floor-length gown to their proms. The side-by-side pictures were posted with the caption, “I think it’s the most beautiful, but I’m a little biased toward my own family…circa 1987 and 2017.” We particularly love the fact that while the gown stayed the same and these two ladies’ dates wore matching roses, they shook up the tux colors.

Pretty in Pink

This pink dress is a fun, bright choice for prom and this mother and daughter shared their preference for their bubbly formal dresses through the generations. “Some may recognize the dress Roxanne wore to prom. I wore the dress in 1988 to my senior military ball. I am sure we have a few pictures at my mom’s of me in the dress but this is the one I have. We had no alterations to the dress,” this mother posted. How convenient!

Glamorous in Green

We actually got to see this look thanks to a third party. The picture was posted with the caption, “My little sister decided to wear my mom’s prom dress for her prom this year and it’s making me so emotional.” Black and green aren’t used together too often for prom dresses but after seeing this, we think it should definitely be a bigger trend! The daughter even made a bold, vintage choice when she added elbow-length opera gloves to the prom – a gamble that paid off!

Proud Mama

This proud mama posted these two pictures of herself and her daughter wearing the same prom dress, 17 years apart captioned, “Who wore it better??? Love that my baby is wearing my 17-year-old dress.” We have to say, choosing who did wear this dress better is pretty close to impossible since both women pulled it off so well. They also breathed their own style into this dress at each prom. While mom rocked long locks, the daughter opted for an elegant updo.

Patterned for Prom

This mother and daughter took the chance at their proms to go above and beyond to show off their love for the timeless pattern of polka dots. Her mom posted the picture with the description, “Estee went to prom tonight wearing my senior prom dress from 1991! Beautiful girls, awesome dress!” We also appreciate that this polka dot dress uses a sash to show off a different dotted pattern and the asymmetrical skirt length.

Made for Generations

Once again, this teen is here to show us that some styles are timeless when she wore her mom’s prom dress to her own prom a generation later. Again, this dress is timeless, in part, thanks to its color and cut. The body of the dress is black and its classy collar gives it a bit of color and pop. Even though this teen didn’t tailor her dress too much to bring this vintage choice into the modern era, it withstands the test of time.

Red as a Rose

This time, it was a proud dad that posted about his wife and daughter on social media. He captioned it, “My wife and I 1997 prom, our daughter’s 2017 prom same dress!” Both photos show this dress in mint condition despite them being taken 20 years apart. Plus, the dress itself is absolutely gorgeous from the color of the gown to the cut and even the plunging neckline that is finished off with a small gem to complete the look.

Simple Elegance

This simple black dress working through the generations is another example of how a dress can last through generations and still look perfect in the prom pictures. This black dress is ankle-length with a plunging neckline that makes it absolutely stunning. However, it’s made all the more impressive by the intricate beading on the dress. We can see it a little better in the 1995 picture of the mother wearing the dress but the beading also catches the light.

What a Beautiful Gown

This mother and daughter pair wore the same dress years apart and both of them look like they’re rocking a brand new look. Posted with, “Share as my daughter wore mine just this past Sat[urday]! My prom 1996, hers 2017,” it really shows that a good dress never goes out of style. There are a few alterations between the photos such as a lengthened skirt slit but both women made it their own!

Belle of the Ball

Sometimes, fashion doesn’t work years later but, as we’ve learned so far, sometimes the concept of fashion being transient just doesn’t hold up. While we don’t quite get an official prom picture for the daughter in this case, we do have this picture the mom snapped with the caption, “My oldest daughter trying on my prom dress a couple of years ago.” It’s a stunning gown, even if it does look a little more yellow in the second picture, that would make anyone the belle of the ball.

Mom’s Got Your Back

This mom shared her daughter ready for prom, surprisingly in the same dress she wore to her own USMC ball back in 1995. This wasn’t exactly planned either. When this teen ordered her original prom dress, it left something to be desired. So, she raided her mom’s closet while she was at work, took the old dress to a tailor, and revamped it into a new design to wear it to her own prom. She rocked it too!

Same Dress, Same Pose

This mother and daughter went all the way with this shared dress. Rather than just stopping at wearing the same garment, they even struck the same pose with their dates! The dress was first worn by the mother when she was 17 years old and heading out for her prom in 1987. When her daughter wore it again, she proved that good taste never goes out of style in this pink dress with a white lace overlay.

Best in Blue

When it comes to prom dresses, you have plenty of room to explore with the color, cut, and general design. This mother-daughter duo used color to their advantage and rocked a vibrant blue. Posted with the caption, “This vintage prom dress is 23 years old. Glad it got to dance again,” we’re pretty glad too since both women look stunning at their respective proms. Plus, while a plunging neckline is popular, this high neckline is absolutely stunning.

Back in Black

To round off our list, we have one more black dress that managed to remain timeless and breathtaking. Even though this teen borrowed from her mom’s closet for prom, you’d never be able to tell! Like many of the timeless dresses on this list, this dress opts for a slim silhouette and an all-black color palette. The floor-length gown even shakes it up a bit with a neckline featuring an interesting cut and some intricate beading.

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