07 Things A Girl must know about A Boy before a Relationship

Being single is amazing but mostly wants a partner. however, whereas you yearn to seek out a partner, here are some things regarding relationships each lady have to understand. Take a glance


     Being single is amazing but mostly wants a partner. however, whereas you yearn to seek out a partner, here are some things regarding relationships each lady have to understand. Watch out for these attributes if you are looking for a decent boy for a relationship.

1. Sensitive for You

     Does he show you his sensitive side? If so, go for him. He must be kind and well groomed. He needs to be presentable.

2. Romantic and Organized

     He should be a good listener, organized and romantic.

3. Toxic person

     Yes, The first thing to avoid is staying away from any kind of toxic person. If you feel bad vibes about the person, don’t go for it. Like if you feel very bad vibes every time you hang around him, like he makes you feel bad, like you feel bad about yourself without the phone, and you’re like crying in public. Yeah, you kind of feel sad. I talked to this one guy and, like it wasn’t even something that I realized until later, he just constantly did little things to make me feel bad about myself and so I always constantly thought I was doing something wrong.

4. Feel Comfortable

     Make sure if you feel comfortable, he must be interested in you. Your life will be a mystery to him. The idea of discovering new things about you appeals to him.

5. Humor

     The other thing is humor. It matters a lot in a healthy relationship. Try to cover up the mistakes if you already had an ex. He must be able to lighten up your mood. A lot of girls see them like, ohh, well they are really pretty, so they obviously are taken. You know, if you ask the girl, that sometimes helps the guy because they feel like they can approach.

6. Ask Anything

     Do not hesitate to ask anything. Notice him if he looks good and feels good for you. Let you know when he arrives. I do not worry, so that’s why you avoid getting played. It’s because you have to let him know you’re getting into, like, actually asking for sure. Yeah, it’s better to communicate with them, like maybe not on the first day, maybe a little strong, but maybe after a few times, just tell them, like, if you want a relationship, what you want to do. Okay, play new people. Do you like playing people? 

7. Confident and Unapologetic

      He should be confident and unapologetic. Prefer a boy who has the courage to walk up and tell you that he is interested in you and that he shouldn’t be scared. At the start, he must be spontaneous in his sayings and doings. He should not be getting awkward or jittery in front of other people. He must give you your space. He shouldn’t lose his mind because he wants to cling on to you and tie you up. Do not fall for him if he is dumb. Make sure to check his intelligence.

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