New Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Diddy, Model Claims Drugging & Assault in 2003

Sean "Diddy" Combs- dailyjugarr

Sean “Diddy” Combs is facing new accusations from Crystal McKinney, who says he drugged and sexually assaulted her in 2003. McKinney, a former model filed a lawsuit in New York, claiming that Combs made her take drugs and then assaulted her at his recording studio. She is also suing his record label, its distributor and his clothing brand.

McKinney says she met Combs when she was 22 at a restaurant. A designer introduced her to Combs, who made comments about her looks. Later, at his studio, Combs pressured her to take drugs and drink alcohol. She says she got very intoxicated, and Combs forced her into a bathroom and made her perform a sex act. She passed out and woke up in a cab.

McKinney claims Combs ruined her modeling career afterward, causing her to become anxious, depressed, and addicted to drugs and alcohol. She also attempted suicide around 2004.

This lawsuit is part of several recent allegations against Combs. Earlier this month, he tried to dismiss another lawsuit accusing him of raping a 17-year-old girl in 2003. In March, his homes were searched by authorities as part of a sex trafficking investigation. Additionally, Combs recently settled a lawsuit with his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura, who accused him of rape and abuse.

McKinney wants a jury trial and damages for her suffering. Combs denies these allegations and says he will fight to clear his name.

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