This Pittie Makes His Bed Every Day To Show He’s A Good Boy Ready For Adoption

This Pittie Makes His Bed Every Day To Show He’s A Good Boy Ready For Adoption
This Pittie Makes His Bed Every Day To Show He’s A Good Boy Ready For Adoption

It is not an easy place to be in when you are a doggo that is disregarded in a shelter. It must be fairly difficult to watch your friends come and go on a daily basis, especially if you are a good and sociable boi like Rush!

After being found as a stray puppy in Dayton, Ohio, this adorable Pittie was brought to the SICSA Pet Adoption & Wellness Center for its adoption. It was after he had been adopted for the first time that he was brought back to the shelter, and ever since then, he has been yearning for a family that he can call his own.

Because he was so desperate to finally find a home for his furry friend, he made the decision to go a bit farther, which turned out to be the most adorable thing that has ever happened.

The Life Without A Family To Call His Own

Source: Daily Mail

It must have been a challenging experience for Rush to go through his entire life without ever having a place to call home. His expectations were always quite high whenever a family or an individual arrived at the shelter. After that, however, he found himself looking at a family that was going out with another dog!

Although Rush has never given up hope, he has never ceased being passionate about the idea of finding a home for himself. Neither of these things has ever changed. He has never been a bad boy, which is a departure from the common perception that “Pitties are wicked to the core.”

A Heartwarming Moment That Caught The Attention Of Many

All of a sudden, he made the decision to experiment with something that he had never, ever done before this very moment! In order to make his bed appear more decent, he physically snatched a sheet of linen with his teeth and tucked it over his sleep surface.

It was impossible for the volunteers of SICSA to believe their eyes when they watched Rush doing the cutest thing in the history of the world!

The video of Rush making his bed was filmed by Leah, one of the volunteers, and it quickly became extremely popular on the internet.

Source: Daily Mail

Over the course of a short period of time, the movie was viewed by a number of millions of people all over the world, resulting in heartwarming reactions and melting the hearts of individuals!

And the most incredible part was that it became into something that people did on a regular basis! It was until a family appeared just around the corner that he continued to make his bed each and every day.

The Pawfect Family Finally Showed Up

Source: Daily Mail

The video that Leah posted has unquestionably altered the course of events for Rush, since from that point forward, he has been receiving an abundance of applications!

Nevertheless, there was one pair from Dayton, Ohio, that earned a great deal of affection from the members of SICSA!

Angie and Ronnie Wallace had just recently lost their dog to a degenerative disease, and they were not in a position to adopt another dog. However, when they saw a video of Rush, they knew they had to submit an application for him.

“She said, ‘I think I want him,’ and I said, ‘Okay,'” Ronnie adds. “What do you think?”

As soon as they arrived at the facility to meet Rush, the connection between them was established all of a sudden! Excited to be finally released from his kennel for good, he greeted his new owners with wide paws and expressed his gratitude for the opportunity.

Living The Best Life

Despite the fact that he was finally able to live the life of his dreams, Rush never forgot where he had come from in the first place!

Rush was overjoyed when his mother made the decision to allow him to pay a visit to his former family on a particular day. Each and every one of them received the most tender kisses from him.

After such a long period of time, Jessie, Rachel, Sydney, and his foster parents, Allison and Mike, were all overjoyed to see Rush in such a joyful and contented state.

The fact that he was a wonderful guy was something that they had always known; all he needed was the appropriate moment and the right people to realize it!

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