Dog waits outside in the rain every day for owner — viral video leads to reunion


Dogs are very loving pets. People who have lost their pets and can’t do anything but wait for them to come back have told us many stories.

dog in rain

Like the sad TikTok video of a dog who waits for her owner outside a store every day, even when it’s pouring rain. The two have now been reunited.

The video was uploaded to TikTok in December by @jimjimmie. In Sembilan, Malaysia, a dog sits outside of a store in the heavy rain and looks sad.
The dog was obviously waiting for someone. Jim calls the dog over to help her, but the dog doesn’t come. He wrote that the dog had been in front of the same store for four days in a row.

sad dog

The dog in the video does eat the food that is given to her, but it is clear that she will stay where she is until her owner comes back.

It breaks my heart to see that, but luckily this story has a happy ending.

dog walking down

The video went viral, which, according to the Malaysian news source SAYS, helped the dog find her owner again. Says the dog, whose name is Bairava, hadn’t been seen in eight months until her owner Vaani saw the video online.

dog sad

Valani went to where Bairava was waiting, which led to a sweet reunion: “I went there and called her name…” “We were all crying and giving our dog hugs,” she told SAYS.
Twenty-one-year-old Vaani says she took in the dog as a stray five years ago. They were split up while Vaani was getting better from being sick, and that’s when the dog disappeared.

finally found peace

The owner looked everywhere, but she couldn’t find her dog until she saw a video of her that showed her waiting for her.

dog with food

We’re so happy that Bairava is back home! It was clear that this loving dog missed her owner a lot!

If you love dogs, please share this wonderful news!

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