Do You Know Your Body Type?

Everyone's body is different, which probably goes without saying; some of us are taller, some of us are shorter; some have a small frame, while others appear to be big-boned. You may not know that there are actually 3 distinctive body type classifications, also known as the main types. It can be useful to know your specific body type since I can help you tailor your fat loss or muscle building approach accordingly

-1 points

Everyone’s body is different, which probably goes without saying; some of us are taller, some of us are shorter; some have a small frame, while others appear to be big-boned. You may not know that there are actually 3 distinctive body type classifications, also known as the main types. It can be useful to know your specific body type since I can help you tailor your fat loss or muscle building approach accordingly

How to Fitness is here to help you better understand these 3 men’s body types and enable you to see where you best fit in. It’s very easy to use one classification as a crutch for being unhealthy for a week, but here we are not going to use our genetics as an excuse anymore. Over the years, these 3 body types have become widely accepted as 3 solid classifications for how our bodies will generally react and grow based on our training and diet. These 3 classifications are mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph.

1. Ectomorph

Ectomorphs, classically known as “hard gainers” in fitness parlance. Ectomorphs don’t have to worry as much about getting fat but often struggle with putting on muscle mass.

This is the body type that is most resistant to gaining weight due to its fast metabolism. In other words, ectomorphs are often able to overeat while gaining little or even no weight. People with this body type have less observable body fat, are only lightly muscled, and have a smaller frame and joints.

Here are the common characteristics of ectomorphs, The more of these that sound like you, the more you feel you fit into this body type classification:

  • Your shoulders are narrower than your hips, and your forearms are on the smaller side.
  • Your body looks long and narrow.
  • You experience difficulty gaining weight, both in terms of muscle and fat.
  • Ectomorphs require a large amount of calories in order to gain weight.
  • Workouts should be brief and intense, focusing on big muscle groups.
  • Supplements are definitely recommended.

Should I eat before bed to stop muscle catabolism during the night? Generally, after morphs can lose fat very easily, which makes cutting back to lean muscle easier for them.

2. Mesomorph

Mesomorphs are typically thought of as the luckiest of the 3 body types, given the ability to build muscle without putting on too much excess fat. If you fall under this category, you are likely going to find it easier to maintain a lean, muscular body than the other 2 types.

This body type has a long torso and short legs. People with a mesomorph body type are strong and athletic in explosive sports, that is, sports calling for power and speed. The reason for this is due to the muscle type that this body type possesses. They have a higher percentage of fast twitch fibers than any other body type and will gain muscle mass faster.

Let’s take a look at how to figure out if you’re this body type.

  • The width of your shoulders and hips are roughly the same.
  • Your forearms are moderately thick, and when you grip your rest between your thumb and middle finger, the two fingers barely touch, making it easy for you to gain or lose weight. Weight and fitness training work best for the mesomorph body type.
  • Especially for beginners, results can often be seen very quickly.

The disadvantage of mesomorphs is that they easily gain weight, necessitating calorie restriction. Usually, a combination of weight training and cardio works better for mesomorphs.

3. Endomorph

This is the body type that traditionally experiences the most difficult time losing weight. Although they can often put on a decent amount of muscle mass reasonably easily, these are people with wider waists and larger bone structures and are vulnerable to storing fat instead of building muscle. The endomorph limbs are usually much bigger than other body types in that they are usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs. The muscles are strong, especially the upper legs. They are naturally strong in leg exercises like squats.

Here are some of the traits that are likely to indicate the If you are an endomorph.

  • your shoulders are wider than your hips.
  • Your forearms are on the thicker side.
  • Your body looks round and soft. You can gain weight fairly easily but find it hard to lose.

Endomorphs must train more cardio as well as weights to keep fat gain to a minimum. Supplements may not be needed as long as the person has a high protein intake in their diet.

When we think about body types, we often wonder, “What body type am I?” What does it say about my training and diet? I have bad genetics. How bad can this be for me? ” Don’t worry, we all have different body genetic reactions to certain foods, and thus we each have different activities and behaviors that we are predisposed to be good at or terrible at, but that doesn’t mean you should be pigeonholed or limited.

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Mute Maven

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