The Most Dangerous Species On The Planet

The Most Dangerous Species On The Planet

The planet Earth is inhabited by various types of creatures, some of them adorable while others are not pleasing to the eye. There exist numerous intimidating animals that are risky, continue reading to learn about the most perilous species globally.


Many people are scared of scorpions, especially the Deathstalker which is considered one of the deadliest types. Originating from the Middle East and North Africa, its venom can cause high levels of pain but won’t be fatal to healthy adults. However, if a child is stung, the venom can be even more potent and lethal. The Deathstalker has yellow coloration which makes it harder to spot while in its natural habitat.


Portuguese Man O’ War

The Atlantic Ocean is the primary habitat of the Portuguese Man O’ War, which floats on the water’s surface and drifts along with the ebb and flow of the tides. Despite being commonly mistaken for a jellyfish, the Portuguese Man O’ War is considerably more perilous. A sting from one of these creatures may result in symptoms such as fever and shock. To alleviate the symptoms, pouring saltwater on the sting site can be quite beneficial.


Great White Shark

The Great White Shark and humans have a complex connection. This creature has attacked humans more than any other in the world and can be found in almost all oceans. Great White Sharks are massive marine mammals that can live for more than 70 years, making them the longest living fish according to marine experts. Despite this, many are worried that their population is dwindling and may go extinct as their numbers have been decreasing since the 1970s.

Great white shark breaking the surface in South Africa.

Cape Buffalo

The African Buffalo, also referred to as the Cape Buffalo, inhabits Southern and Eastern Africa and is infamous for its erratic and unpredictable behavior, which makes it incredibly hazardous. Reports suggest that individuals fall prey to these animals in approximately 200 cases annually. They exist in groups and are particularly identifiable owing to their horns. This species, closely connected to the Water Buffalo, is approximately six feet in length and can weigh nearly a ton. Additionally, the buffalo has also gained fame for being an excellent predator.


Giant Pacific Octopus

One of the biggest octopuses on earth is the Giant Pacific Octopus. It has eight arms, like all other octopuses. The word ‘octa’ implies eight. The animal’s arms are equipped with two rows of suckers that have hooks and are used to capture prey. The octopus’ mouth has a beak and a toothed tongue. Although the octopus feeds on small sharks, it isn’t known to consume humans.


Cone Snail

Despite their aesthetically pleasing shells, it is important to avoid any contact with Cone Snails that are found in warm low-depth waters around the equator, as these charming yet lethal creatures possess teeth that function like harpoons and can strike any intruder. When a Cone Snail bites, it releases a neurotoxin known as conotoxin, which can severely harm nerve cells and even lead to paralysis. Regrettably, there is currently no available antidote for this venom available in the market.


Saw-Scaled Viper

It is advisable to keep a distance from the Saw-Scaled Viper, which is accountable for the highest number of fatalities every year compared to other snakes. Despite growing only up to 1-3 feet, their bite, filled with hemotoxins and cytotoxins, can be deadly. These toxins can result in bleeding disorders in the body, eventually causing intracranial hemorrhage. Unluckily, most areas harboring the Saw-Scaled Viper do not have access to advanced medical facilities, leading to prolonged and heartbreaking deaths for the victims of its fatal bite.


Africanized Honey Bee

It is human beings who can be held responsible for the emergence of the hazardous Africanized Honey Bee. This type of bee, which goes by the name Killer Bee, came into existence as a result of human intervention and not natural causes. The bee was produced by crossbreeding the African honey bee and different European honey bees with the aim of enhancing honey production and generating more revenue. Unfortunately, during the 1950s, when this new bee strain was sent to Brazil, a swarm inadvertently broke free.



Although many individuals consider mosquitos to be only an irritating nuisance, they are actually incredibly perilous. Mosquitos are notorious for spreading various diseases which cause fatalities to a significant number of individuals every year, amounting to roughly 725,000 victims, according to the World Health Organization. Among the most dangerous illnesses is malaria, which has affected millions of people globally. Furthermore, mosquitos are responsible for transporting other lethal diseases like dengue fever, yellow fever, and encephalitis.


Black Mamba

The savannas and rocky regions of southern and eastern Africa are the natural habitats of these dangerous snakes. Black Mambas hold the title for being the quickest slithering reptiles, reaching speeds of up to 12.5 mph. Luckily, they only act aggressively when threatened. Nonetheless, if they do attack, they can bite several times and produce enough venom to end the lives of up to ten individuals. A fresh anti-venom exists; however, it needs to be administered within 20 minutes of being bitten!


Tsetse Fly

The Tsetse Fly is an abundant insect in tropical Africa that consumes the blood of other animals. Despite not causing any physical pain, their bites can spread a dangerous parasite known as Trypanosomes. This parasite is responsible for African Sleeping Sickness, which initially causes symptoms such as fevers, headaches, joint pains, and itchy skin. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more severe and can result in fatalities.



The Stonefish, a highly perilous fish, inhabits the coastal areas of the Indo-Pacific and has the exceptional capability of blending in with rocks completely. This often leads to unsuspecting swimmers inadvertently stepping on the fish, causing its spines to discharge neurotoxins of extreme toxicity. Swimmers who fall victim to this venomous attack face significant danger as a result. Fortunately, there exists a particular anti-venom that has been created to save victims who have been afflicted.

Stone fish.

Saltwater Crocodiles

It might be surprising, but humans are more likely to be harmed by crocodiles than by sharks. The Saltwater Crocodile is especially hazardous and it’s recommended to avoid them. These predators have many advantages, being significantly huge, up to 23 feet long and weighing more than a ton. They’re also quick and use ambush tactics to capture their prey. They can drown and consume their victims entirely. Regardless of their name, Saltwater crocodiles are capable of swimming both in salt and freshwater.


Tarantula Hawk

The wasp called Tarantula Hawk should be avoided due to their extremely painful sting, which is considered one of the most excruciating stings among insects worldwide. Nonetheless, humans do not usually encounter this wasp since it primarily preys on tarantulas, as its name suggests. However, if provoked, Tarantula Hawk will sting humans, but fortunately, it is not lethal. Although the sting may cause agony, medical attention is unnecessary as the pain will subside in five minutes, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities.



Despite their large size and stubby legs, hippos are capable of running at speeds over 19 mph to catch their prey. Although they are primarily herbivores, hippos also tend to be quite aggressive and territorial. Therefore, it is important to stay away from these dangerous creatures if encountered. It is best to avoid provoking a 3,300-pound animal that is capable of chasing and attacking humans.


Polar Bear

Although many people think of polar bears as cute and affectionate stuffed animals, they are not at all. In reality, they are highly dangerous and are considered the most meat-eating bears. Additionally, they are enormous creatures, weighing up to 1,750 pounds! Furthermore, they are more prone to attacking humans than other bear species. Fortunately, they live in the Arctic, which is mainly devoid of human activity. Polar bears tend to target seals as their main meal rather than humans.


King Cobra

The King Cobra is known to be extremely hazardous, and rightfully so. Being the longest and most venomous snake on earth, it mainly inhabits India and Southeast Asia. The lethal creature primarily uses its toxic venom to infiltrate the nervous system of its prey, causing them to undergo symptoms such as dizziness, agony and ultimately immobility. There have been instances where the victim has died in as little as thirty minutes after being bitten. The King Cobra is even capable of taking down animals as enormous as elephants.



Pufferfish, which are unusual-looking and captivating creatures, can be found in tropical oceans worldwide. They are noteworthy for being the second most toxic vertebrate on Earth. They employ their highly noxious venom, known as tetrodotoxin, to eliminate their prey. Tetrodotoxin can be found in the fish’s skin, muscle tissue, liver, kidneys, and reproductive organs. Remarkably, the pufferfish’s venom is more than 1,000 times more lethal than cyanide. Interestingly, even though it’s considered a delicacy, some Japanese chefs are able to prepare and serve pufferfish as a dish.

Pufferfish, underwater view

Box Jellyfish

As per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the box jellyfish stands among the most perilous sea creatures globally, exclusively inhabiting the Indo-Pacific regions above Australia. The most daunting aspect of these jellyfish is their almost imperceptible nature, and they possess approximately 15 tentacles. Each of these tentacles can grow up to 10 feet long and has stingers infused with poisonous toxins that severely affect the heart, nervous system, and dermis. Usually, individuals who come in contact with these stingers unfortunately succumb to drowning.


Golden Poison Dart Frog

Do not let the size of these little frogs mislead you. This tiny paperclip sized Golden Poison Dart Frogs are incredibly dangerous and can be found on Colombia’s Pacific coast. These cute looking amphibians have enough poison to kill 10 grown men. Watch out for the Golden Poison Dart Frogs because it only takes two micrograms to end the life of one person. Two micrograms are enough liquid to fit onto the head of a pin. One touch can kill you!



Even though many people think Hyenas are not intelligent animals from how they were portrayed on The Lion King, they are actually incredibly smart mammals. Not only are they bright animals, they can weigh up to 190 pounds and they have a powerful bite that can break bones! Even though they tend to stay away from people, if they perceive the human as hurt or incapacitated, they will take advantage of the situation. Hyenas work together to hunt and kill their prey making them even more dangerous!


Bullet Ant

These bullet ants are much more than a pesky insect. The bullet ant is known for its powerful and lethal sting. According to the Schmidt sting pain index, the bullet ant sting is even more painful than the tarantula hawk wasp. Not only in the sting insanely painful, it attacks the central nervous system and can cause paralysis! The bullet ant is found in humid lowland rainforests in parts of South America. Just one bite from the bullet ant could incapacitate a full grown man.


Nurse Shark

The Nurse Shark can be found along the tropical waters of the planet. Interestingly, this shark takes shelter in the day and comes alive at night. The huge animal feeds on small fish and can grow up to 30cm long. The shark can even birth up to 30 babies in a lifetime. The shark is considered dangerous because of their very strong and sharp teeth. They will attack when provoked, meaning many divers have been injured because of them.

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Leopard Seal

The Leopard Seal is the second largest seal in the world, and while the animal looks rather cute it is anything but. The front teeth of the Leopard Seal are extremely sharp and is actually considered the most dangerous animal in the waters, after the Killer Whale. Although the seal is considered extremely dangerous, attacks on humans are pretty rare. The last known deadly attack was in 2003 when a female biologist was attacked while she was snorkeling. We hope that is the last attack for a long time!



Many people have a fear of snakes – and perhaps the Sidewinder is one of the reasons why. Also known as the Rattlesnake, they are venomous, although less so than other snakes. This is because their glands are much smaller than that of other snakes. However, if a human is bitten by one it should be taken extremely seriously. Many people ignore the signs after being bitten by one, as the bite apparently feels nothing more than a small pin prick.



The Boomslang is also another large snake that makes our list. The Boomslang is also venomous and dangerous if humans are bitten. However, the snake is only found in Sub – Saharan Africa. In 1957 Karl Schmidt was bitten and subsequently died after being bitten by a Boomslang. Schmidt’s downfall was underestimating the power of the snake’s poison. Since this incident there have been no other recorded fatalities because of this snake. Interestingly, for any Harry Potter fans, Boomslang skin is used in making Polyjuice potion.

boomslang (1)


The Lynx belongs to the cat family and they are usually found living in solitude. They tend to be found in forested areas across Europe and Asia. The Lynx never attack humans unless they are provoked, however if this does occur the attacks can be pretty serious. More recently, in 2014 a Lynx attacked a woman in Atlanta. She was injured and taken to hospital, however many say that this was her own fault since she wanted to feed the animal.



Many people across the USA find the Raccoon and annoying pest, however the animal is also considered dangerous. This is because they carry diseases which are extremely harmful to humans. So, while attacks are rare on humans, they are definitely an animal to be avoided. The Raccoon is native to America and is found living in forested areas, however it can adapt to surrounding environments very easily. They can also hunt in pitch blackness due to their extremely sensitive hands.



Two types of Vultures exist, and both are equally as dangerous. They can be found in Africa, Asia as well as Europe. The birds are killer and will shred anything that gets in its way to pieces. They are considered deadly scavengers, however vulture attacks on humans are pretty rare. They will generally avoid humans, as long as humans do not provoke them. At times, the birds can even be seen as shy! We think we will keep away from them, just in case!


Water Monitor

The Water Monitor is an extremely large lizard that can be found in Asia. They are considered dangerous because they can swim, sprint and even climb. They are extremely powerful and strong. The Water Monitor has poisonous saliva as well as a bite that can kill. Due to hunting this lizard is thought to be going endangered, since their skin is considered valuable. However, there have been many conservation efforts across Asia to save the Water Monitor.


Vampire Bat

Bats are the only mammals that can fly, however the Vampire Bat is the only bat that feeds off of blood. They can be found across many countries of South America. The Vampire Bat is considered dangerous to humans because they carry disease, but it isn’t all bad! The saliva of the Vampire Bat may actually have some positive uses in medicine. It is thought that it may help increase the blood flow in patients that have suffered from a stroke.


Siafu Ant

Even though these guys are small, they are powerful and deadly in numbers. Don’t mess with these dangerous creatures. Siafu ants aka driver ants respond aggressively when they feel threatened or attacked. The entire swarm will come together to attack when they perceive danger. An entire swarm of Siafu ants can amount to around 50 million! When these little guys bite, they bite hard and don’t let up. Sometimes, even after their prey dies, the ant’s jaws stay clamped on the carcass.


Inland Taipan

Another snake to watch out for is the Inland Taipan. These snakes are the most poisonous snakes in the whole world. Their deadly venom and their tendency to hunt warm-blooded mammals is a dangerous combination for humans. Lucky for us, they do not usually attack unless provoked, so steer clear of these lethal creatures. Their venom is neurotoxins which affect the nervous system, hemotoxins which affect the blood, and myotoxins which affect the the muscles. If untreated, the venom can be lethal.


Assassin Bug

The Assassin bug has the most fitting name. Even though the insect is fairly small, it kills around 12,000 people each year! Interestingly enough, the bite itself is not deadly. However, the disease that the bite spreads is lethal. The bug carries a disease called Chagas which is a parasitic infection. If Chagas is left untreated, the symptoms of the disease are known to cause death. Unfortunately, there is currently no vaccine for the disease. Humans use sprays and paints to keep the bugs away.


African Lion

The African Lion stays near the top of the food chain for good reason! The African Lion can weigh between 265 to 420 pounds and are some of the greatest hunters in the world. The territorial cats stay in groups with other lions. These groups are known as prides and they serve to protect each other. Male lions protect the territory and the rest of the pride while the female lions hunt for food. While lions do not typically hunt for people, there have been a few rare cases of African Lions seeking out human prey.


Flower Urchin

Do not let this pretty pink flowery looking creature fool you. When touched, these flower urchins will respond with an incredibly painful sting. If a human gets stung by this type of sea urchin,  he or she should seek medical attention immediately! The flower urchin, known and named for its pinkish and whitish flower-like appearance, is commonly found in the Indo-West Pacific. This urchin functions as a home for coral reef, rocky and sandy environments and seagrass beds at a depth of around 90 meters.


Clouded Leopard

Although the Clouded Leopard may be considered one of the smaller of the animals on this list, they can still pose a threat to humans. Children and younger teenagers would be particularly threatened by them. The cat is found throughout Southern Asia and China, however today the animal is endangered. Experts report that there are probably less than 10,000 of them left in the world. It is more likely that the Leopard attacks once provoked.

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The Piranha is a freshwater fish that lives in South American rivers. Piranha’s are known for their sharp teeth and extremely powerful jaws. The fish is considered dangerous towards humans and in 2011 around 100 people were injured by a Piranha. According to some studies piranha’s tend to attack more in the dry season when food is lacking and the waters are low. Most Piranha’s attack humans at the arms and legs. Splashing can also provoke the Piranha to bite.


Humboldt Squid

The Humboldt Squid is located in the Pacific Ocean and is the largest of the Squid family. They can weigh up to an astonishing 50kg. It is thought that the Humboldt Squid is particularly aggressive towards humans when they are feeding. Evidence also exists that the Squid become more aggressive towards divers who have flashing lights as well as diving gear. Therefore, it is advised that divers keep away from them. However, the Humboldt Squid has also exhibiting sings of intelligence and are also curious creatures.



The Tarsier might look cute, but its in fact dangerous. It’s bite is venomous and can cause some humans to go into an anaphylactic shock. This species is found in parts of Asia and is incredibly small. They have strong hearing and are quite cunning – they wait silently for their prey. They show less activity in the daytime and are considered nocturnal creatures. Today, the Trasier is considered an endangered species and is extinct in some parts of the world.


Spectacled Caiman

The Spectacled Caiman is a crocodile that is found in parts of Southern and Central America. They are highly adaptable meaning it is able to live in both fresh and salt water. The Caiman has extremely sharp teeth, which can be dangerous to humans. This specific type of crocodile mainly eats smaller sized fish. The Caiman is heavily hunted for its skin and its meat, and although it isn’t considered endangered just yet there is a certain risk of this happening.



The Gorilla is the largest primate – the males can weigh up to 400 lbs, with the females weighing around 200 lbs. They are found in the forests of central Africa. Gorilla’s in general are shy and only attack if they are approached. Therefore, if humans approach the Gorilla with unexpected movements the animal can charge aggressively. However, instances where humans have been killed are rare. Today, experts believe that the Gorilla is one step away from becoming extinct.


Puffer Fish

The Pufferfish are highly toxic and is considered the most toxic vertebrate in the world. If a Pufferfish attacks a human and is not treated properly, the outcome can be fatal. The toxin can paralyze and stop a person from breathing. Often the Pufferfish can be eaten by mistake, especially in countries such as Thailand and The Philippines. The Pufferfish have four large teeth which are fused together in an upper and lower plate. Some Pufferfish can be up to 100cm in length.


Blue-Ringed Octopus

The Blue-Ringed Octopus is found in New South Wales, Western and Southern Australia. Although they are pretty small, they are one of the most dangerous marine animals in the world. They will not sting unless they are provoked, however if a human is stung, the venom that is released is powerful enough to kill.


Gray Wolf

Eurasia and North America is home to one of the most dangerous predators, the Gray Wolf. Even though they tend to be the size of a medium to large dog, their power comes in numbers. They are a very social animal and travel with their nuclear family consisting of the mated pair and their adult children. They have an incredible sense of smell and can smell their prey from far away. They use their keen sense of smell it to track down their prey.


Freshwater Snails

Many types of Freshwater Snails exist, but they are considered dangerous they can lay eggs within the human stomach which in turn are extremely toxic to humans. Experts believe that these Snails are more dangerous than Lions and Tigers put together! The Freshwater Snails are found in rivers and lakes. They feed off algae and are found all over the world, wherever fresh water exists. Some of the snails have gills meaning they can breathe underwater, whereas others do not and need to come to the surface for air.



Literally meaning “nose horn,” the rhinoceros is responsible for many human deaths and in many parts of the world. Don’t let the fact that it is herbivore fool you. With its thick, protective skin and large horn, the rhino can be a lethal killing machine when it needs to be. But with an abnormally small brain and poor eyesight, rhinos do have their flaws. But take nothing away from them: if they spot you, it’s nearly impossible to escape them.

Dangerous Species Rhinoceros

Yellow Anaconda

Although the yellow anaconda isn’t as big as its relative, the green anaconda, it still regarded as one of the largest snakes in the world. The yellow anaconda will camouflage itself while stalking its prey. It will use its forked tongue in order to locate its prey, sensing its tastes and smells. Eventually, when the anaconda captures its victim, it will only take a few minutes before it squeezes every inch of life out of it.

Dangerous Species Yellow Anaconda


Despite being tiny and unassuming, the tapeworm is the custodian of an infection by the name of cysticerosis. This can lead to abdominal pains, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Humans are easily subject this infection if they are to eat uncooked meats such as pork, beef or fish, and the nasty parasite kills up to approximately 700 people each year. Also known as Cestoda, the most dangerous thing about tapeworms is that they can utilize a host for years before displaying any type of symptoms.

Dangerous Species Tapeworm


This may seem like a peculiar inclusion in this list. Humans won’t stand a chance in a fight against some of the aforementioned species, but they are certainly dangerous creatures for their own unique reasons. Due to our intelligence and ingenuity, we have the skills to create weapons and tools that have helped us rise up to the top of the food chain. We are the only animal to have full scale world wars. In many ways, we are the most dangerous animals.

Dangerous Species Humans

Komodo Dragon

The Komodo Dragon doesn’t think too hard about what it wants for dinner. The reptile has been known to eat anything from birds to buffalos, even having its fair share of human. They are masterful hunters with the skill of stealthily pursuing its prey. When the time is right, they will tear out the victim’s throat and wait for it to bleed out. Despite having a varied diet though, Komodo Dragons only need to eat once a month.

Dangerous Species Komodo Dragon

Brazilian Wandering Spider

This particular spider has literally broken records. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Brazilian Wandering Spider is officially the most venomous spider on the planet. Also known as the Phoneutria Fera, the arachnid got its name for its natural tendency to wander around aimlessly. This makes them particularly dangerous, as they can literally pop up anywhere. They have been found in houses and cars, and have been spotted at practically every time of day.

Dangerous Species Brazilian Wandering Spider


The sound that a rattlesnake makes is enough to send shivers down any victim’s spine. Cunning and malicious, rattlesnakes are always poised to strike if a vulnerable creature is stranded nearby. In North America, rattlesnakes are notoriously the leading inflictor of snakebite injuries. But ultimately, they will rarely bite a human unless it feels under threat. Unlike the younger rattlesnakes, adults will develop the ability to regulate the amount of venom that they unleash when they bite their prey.

Dangerous Species Rattlesnake

African Elephant

The African Elephant is officially the largest land animal on the planet, with the average male standing between 10 and 13ft and weighing between 10,000 and 13,000lbs. The colossus can be notoriously fierce, with the ability to run all over rhinos to their doom. African Elephants have been known to show surprisingly aggressive outbursts of rage. They have even been considered to be vindictive towards others, and there have been numerous incidents of Elephants stampeding through villages, destroying everything in its path.

Dangerous Species Elephants

Black Eagle

The Black Eagle can easily be identified by their long “fingers,” which they use to hunt mammals, birds and eggs. During the hunting process, the predator uses many methods to throw their prey off guard. A recurring technique that the black eagle will use is to fly into the sun. This is so that their prey will be unaware of the black eagle’s presence. Another strength of the black eagle is its eyesight, which is the best in the aviary world.

Dangerous Species Black Eagle


Native to Asia and the Middle the sandfly is one nasty pest. In itself, it doesn’t really pose a threat to humans. It only becomes a problem when it carries dangerous diseases such as the Leishmaniasis and Chandipura viruses.

Leishmaniasis, just to give you an idea, is found in more than 90 tropical countries. Leishmaniasis is transmitted to humans through a bite. Once the virus is in, it will start spreading and multiplying.

Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

While there are about 40 species of the Funnel-Web Spider, not all of them are dangerous. However, the male of Atrax Robustus is responsible for many serious, life-threatening bites. This spider — as you may have inferred from its name — has been introduced to Sydney, Australia.

We say it was introduced because it wasn’t native to the area. An antivenom, by the way, was invented in 1981. Many lives have been spared since its invention.

Moray Eel

Although they generally do not pose a threat to humans — since they live far from shores and mostly prey on other fish at night — it doesn’t mean that an unlucky diver, who would chance to encounter one, shouldn’t be worried.

If a moray eel bites you, this could land you in a lot of trouble. Moray eels are poisonous. Specials proteins in the blood act as toxins, which can cause human blood to clump.


It’s likely that only a few of you would think that horses deserve a spot on our list. Why would something as tamed and majestic as a horse would be considered dangerous to humans in any way? Well, a horse’s rear legs kicks are extremely powerful.

This means that they can easily break your rib cage or pretty much any other bone in your body if you get too close. Oh, and did we mention the fact that they can also bite pretty hard?


While the obvious fault lies with bulls, which can easily severely maim humans with their horns (just imagine being impaled by an angry bull), a heifer can also do a lot of damage. Cows can trample humans if they are angered or feel too threatened.

This especially happens when a cow has just given birth and it’s protective of the calf. Most of the victims are farmer workers since they always come in close contact with them.

Fire Ants

Although these little creatures normally require nothing other than a short trip to the school nurse in case you were bitten by them, in some rare cases, one can develop a severe allergic reaction which could be life-threatening.

Also, since fire ants’ venom has a high concentration of toxins, their bites can cause serious skin swellings or pustules. These can get infected, thus causing further complications that would require medical attention.


Generally speaking, the chances of getting stung by a hornet are pretty low, since they normally don’t attack humans, unless provoked. However, if you do get stung by a hornet this could end badly for you.

Hornets have a relatively large amount of venom, considering their size. Recently, the Giant Asian Hornet made the headlines since its venom is considered to be extremely dangerous to humans. It can cause severe damage to tissues and the nervous system.


We guess that this one is just stating the obvious. We would expect nothing less from these impressive animals. These massive creatures are all muscle and bone.

As natural predators, they are indeed extremely dangerous. They’re ranked fifth on the list of the world’s deadliest mammals. These animals would typically avoid people, but in case they feel threatened they would certainly attack. This would normally happen if you come close to their cubs.


This may be surprising but apparently, your food can ultimately end up eating you. This is indeed gruesome and very disturbing. But, there have been reports over the years of cases in which pig farmers were attacked and even eaten by their own livestock.

Unlike what you may think, pigs are very intelligent and can be vicious and vindictive if provoked. So, maybe you shouldn’t eat those pork chops after all.


The Cassowary is a flightless bird, native to the tropical forests of Papua Guinea, Indonesia, the Aru Islands, and Australia. The bird feeds on fruit, although some species in the family are omnivores and will feed on small animals too.

These birds generally don’t present a threat to humans, but they can actually be very dangerous. If they are provoked, they can inflict some serious and sometimes fatal injuries to humans.


Stingrays are one of the oldest fish species as they have roamed the oceans for about 100 million years. Generally speaking, they’re not considered to be dangerous to humans since they mostly prey on small fish. However, overall, there have been only 17 fatal incidents involving stingrays and humans over the years.

They will not attack a human intentionally unless they feel threatened by it. Also, stay away from the barb (the long strip of flesh that looks like a tale), it usually contains venom.

Grizzly Bear

This bear, which is actually a subspecies of the American Brown Bear, is very prevalent in the Northern parts of the United States. It’s also known as the North American Brown Bear.

There is no doubt that this is a very dangerous mammal that could pose a very serious threat to humans. These bears are fast-moving, equipped with massive claws and sharp fangs. What’s really scary is their bite which can even crush a bowling bowl.

American Black Bear

As it’s possible to infer from its name, this type of bear is prevalent in North America and Canada. It’s considered to be a lot more aggressive than its brown counterpart.

However, it usually won’t attack humans. It will make a mock attempt to attack but only to chase or scare humans away. Between 1900 and 1980, there were only 23 fatal incidents involving black bears and humans.

Coastal Taipan

Considered to be the second-longest venomous snake in Australia, the Coastal Taipan is not something you’d want to encounter while strolling along the beach. It’s also considered to be the third most venomous terrestrial snake in the world.

These snakes are very “nervous” and any movement around them would trigger an attack. It is native to the coastal regions of northern and eastern Australia. An antivenom, however, was developed in the mid-1950s.

Mulga Snake

This snake is native to the southern and northern parts of Australia. Whenever the snake feels threatened it will act similarly to a cobra. It will hold and flatten its neck in a curved parallel to the ground and throw its neck from side to side, while hissing.

Ultimately, it will also attempt to bite. The Mugla will bite terribly. It will sink in its fangs and release large quantities of venom.


Native to Madagascar, the fossa is officially the largest carnivore in the southern African country. It is also the most feared predator on the island and a hunter of small creatures like mice to medium-sized animals such as gray mouse lemur and diademed sifaka. It has also been known to feed on wild pigs. Some of the distinctive features of the Fossa include its retractable claws, as well as it’s cat-like teeth that can pierce the skin of most creatures.

Dangerous Species Fossa

Tokay Gecko

The Tokay Gecko is a colorful lizard with a fierce nature. Its name alludes to the noise it makes, which sounds eerily like its name – “to-kay.” The Tokay has a tendency to be territorial, being known to attack fellow Tokays and any other intruders. A tokay’s standard diet consists of insects and small vertebrates. With a strong bite, tokays can snap through the exoskeletons of insects that live in rainforests. Its strong bite puts off people from owning them as pets.

Dangerous Species Tokay Gecko

Giant Otter

What makes the giant otter particularly dangerous is their absolute fearlessness. The carnivorous mammal is able to hunt alone or in a group, with the ability to coordinate efficiently. With a coat of dense fur, a winged tail and webbed feet, the giant otter particularly well suited to an amphibious lifestyle. Fish, including cichilds, characins and catfish is the main staple of the animal’s diet, and a giant otter may eat six to nine pounds worth of fish every day.

Dangerous Species Giant Otter


Even though dogs are known to be “man’s best friend,” some dogs are very dangerous! This is usually due to rabies which has been well contained in North America and Western Europe. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, around 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs every year. Luckily, most dog bites do not spread rabies in the U.S. Unfortunately, in India where there is a high rate of stray dogs, almost 20,000 people dies every year from rabies.



Primarily insectivores, Chameleons are dangerous due to their incredible ability to change color in order to blend in to their surroundings. Behaviorally speaking, Chameleons are feisty and won’t give easily when engaged in a fight. With a 360-degree vision and one of the fastest, most elastic tongues in the food chain, Chameleons have plenty of tools to pose a threat to many adversaries. and although their eyes are independently mobile, they can focus can them forward in unison, if they need to concentrate on their prey.

Dangerous Species Chameleon

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