After owner falls and injures hip, loyal golden retriever saves the day, gets help

After owner falls and injures hip, loyal golden retriever saves the day, gets help

Dogs are very loving and caring pets. There are a lot of stories about dogs being there for their owners when they needed them the most.

This happened not long ago when a golden retriever helped his owner when he hurt his hip.

golden retriever helped his owner

A post from the Ross/West View Emergency Medical Services Authority says that in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, EMS workers were called after a man hurt his hip badly when he fell 20 feet down a hill.

Happily, the man had his trusty golden retriever with him, and the dog stepped in to save the day.

The post says that the dog told neighbors that his owner was hurt. After that, he wouldn’t leave the man until he was sure he was safe.

When the EMS teams got there, they stabilized the victim and treated his pain and trauma. Then, they used ropes to pull him back up the hill in a box. The man was then taken to a nearby emergency center.
“Some treats and a big bowl of water on this hot day” were given to his dog as a prize. This is what Ross West View EMSA wrote on Facebook.

dog with a rescuer

The police also thanked Ross DPW, Laurel Garden, Berkeley Hills Fire, and Ross Police for working together so well.

A lot of people online were moved by the story, especially the loving golden retriever.

One Facebook user said, “This was amazing in every way, even the dog who did it even though he clearly wasn’t trained to!!” “My guide dog has saved my life more times than I can remember.” “The dogs are wonderful!”

pets teach us how to love

“Our pets teach us how to love,” said someone else. Pets are very sweet, understanding, and forgiving. They care about us and are determined, but they do remember when we do something wrong. Our family has always had pets, and I think they are very smart. “Smarter than many people.”

“Great job everyone! The great dog is the hero!”

“Hope the gentleman gets better soon.” Lots of treats and belly rubs for that cute dog.

Thanks to the first rescuers and his loyal dog, this man is safe and getting better. ❤️

Animal lovers, please share this story to your people!

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