Visiting the veterinarian can prove to be a fascinating ordeal for several pets. While some of them relish the experience, others dread it. These animals have displayed amusing behaviors such as attempting to flee or reacting hilariously, making it clear that there is no such thing as an ordinary trip to the vet. These comical anecdotes will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on these pets. Please refrain from laughing when reading about their absurd antics.
Smile Like You Mean It
After undergoing an oral assessment and treatment, this lively puppy has just awoken. This process involves a skilled veterinarian taking X-rays of the canine’s mouth, removing any necessary teeth, and performing tooth cleaning.
Right on time, the dog flashed a small grin to comfort his anxious mother. Although not hugely wide, his smile appears to be more content than the majority of individuals leaving the dentist.
Spiny and Spaced-Out
In the United States, hedgehogs are gaining popularity as pets due to their adorable little noses and paws, which have led many individuals to consider adopting these furry creatures. It is not surprising considering the appeal they have.
Leo the hedgehog was given anesthesia recently for a medical intervention. As the medication starts to work, Leo begins to enter into a state of unconsciousness, often referred to as “hedgehog space”. When the picture was initially posted, many Reddit users found Leo’s bewildered expression amusing.
Mission Accomplished
Search dogs are extremely useful in times of emergencies and critical situations. Hunter, a dog with an appropriate name, was on a significant task when he reached the veterinarian’s office. Within a short while of utilizing his strong sense of smell, Hunter discovered an important concealed stash – a collection of treats.
Although Hunter’s owner mentioned that he is trained to search for living beings, it appears that he has an exceptional sense of smell for detecting snacks. Despite admiring his knack for finding treats, she made it clear that Hunter was not rewarded with one until after the appointment.
Birds in Space
Not just dogs or cats, but also this small bird had to wear a cone after their visit to the vet. However, the cone is so small that it appears to be heavier than the bird itself.
Despite the concerns of several Reddit users regarding the cone, the owner alleviated their worries by explaining that the vet had utilized the cone as a preventive measure to avoid worsening a small scratch on the bird. The amusingly large cone was likened to a satellite dish, and one user humorously remarked, “Loud and cute transmission incoming!”
Goats Going Places
“Checking off the list: keys, iced coffee – it appears that this goat is all set to head out on the road.” A Reddit user posted a humorous photo of her pet goat in the driver’s seat while traveling to a veterinarian appointment.
Eloise is a goat that requires special attention because of her cleft palate since birth. Fortunately, she has been adopted by a Reddit user who takes care of animal rescue. From her cheerful expression, it is evident that this goat is eagerly looking forward to her visit to the veterinarian.
Exotic and Adorable Animals
Working in a veterinary office brings exhilarating moments, one of which is the chance to interact with extraordinary and rare animals. A vet tech recently posted an endearing snapshot on Reddit where she was feeding a two-month-old coatimundi.
Coatimundis, which are tiny creatures that originate from Central and South America, are closely linked to raccoons and may be owned as pets in certain regions. The veterinary technician and the coatimundi must have both had a memorable encounter with excellent treatment received.
Half Husky. Half Burrito. All Confused
This Husky must have arrived at his vet appointment with a completely different idea of how the day would go. Not only did he wake up from his neutering appointment missing a certain body part, but he somehow became a burrito in the process.
The picture taken by this Reddit user beautifully depicts the confused yet joyous expression of the little one. We anticipate that the Husky will have a similar perplexed expression on his face even after the effects of sedation wear off, once he grasps the reason for his visit to the vet.
More Cheese Please
As a veterinarian, one faces distinctive difficulties as four-legged animals can sometimes react aggressively during examinations. However, there is a solution to this problem which comes in the form of a spray can.
According to this veterinarian, dogs will endure almost anything if they have the chance to get cheese. The power of this aerosol cheese product is so strong that it has a mesmerizing effect on canines, as evidenced by this dog. It is certain that this unexpected treat of cheese spray has made this visit to the vet the most enjoyable experience for the dog.
Nothing to See Here
Animals can be quite inventive in terms of avoiding the veterinarian. This not particularly bright feline seems to believe that her bed would be an ideal disguise and sanctuary.
The cat’s attempt to remain unnoticed during her visit to the vet’s office didn’t go as she had hoped. As per her owner’s Reddit post, Diamond was displeased not only because her hiding method failed, but also because the vet had dared to touch her.
Perfect Place to Catch Up on Sleep
Visiting the veterinarian can be tiring as you have to wait to be attended to, along with waiting for your pet owner to complete intake forms and other protocols, leading to boredom and drowsiness.
This little Corgi thought he would take this vet appointment to catch up on some badly needed Z’s. The dog, named McGuffin, probably didn’t know that the sight of his little body stretched across the examination table would be so adorable.
More Comfortable Than it Looks
Administering medicine to animals is just as hard as giving medication to humans. While some medications will work on some animals, they may have a completely different effect on other animals.
This cat’s owner gave her half of a prescribed capsule. It turns out that just half of a pill was enough to make her fall asleep… in this position nonetheless! While this pill was prescribed for anxiety relief, it seems that one of the pill’s side effects includes falling asleep mid-jump.
Hidden Hearts
Most cat owners rarely, if ever, groom their feline friends. It was only until this pet owner took their cat to the vet that they discovered an adorable surprise previously hidden under layers of hair.
When this cat’s bottom was shaved for a veterinary procedure, the shave revealed a large black spot that resembles a heart. While we’re sure this owner already knew his cat had a good heart, it seems like his furball is even more loving than he thought.
I’ll Be Watching You
When animals are put under anesthesia for medical procedures, their eyes can also be affected. Cats, unlike humans, have three eyelids. This third eyelid is often called a nictitating membrane.
The purpose of this third eyelid is thought to be an additional protective layer to protect the cat’s large cornea. While the third eyelid is usually not visible, it can appear when a cat has undergone anesthesia. While this is normal, it can make for a pretty spooky appearance.
How Could You?
There are many people who believe that some dogs have faces that are just as expressive as human faces. This dog shows that it’s not only people who can pout and give the silent treatment.
Ivy’s owner posted this picture after she was spayed, a presumably uncomfortable and painful experience. Ivy’s face seems to show that she feels betrayed by her owner -almost as if she wants to ask, “How could you?”
Just a “Trim”
We’ve all been there — we ask for a small trim and end up looking like we lost a battle with a weed-wacker. In this case, this Husky’s drastic haircut has a very important purpose, and that’s saving him from a deadly disease called tick paralysis.
Tick paralysis is caused by dogs being bitten by a species of tick called the paralysis tick or Ixodes Holocyclus. In places like the east coast of Australia, where these ticks are common, it’s advised to completely shave your pet in order to make it easier to find these dangerous pests.
Dazed and Confused Cats
This cat looks like he woke up and doesn’t know which century he’s in. Between his squinted eyes and disheveled hair, Seymour the cat has definitely had better days.
One of the funniest things about this photo is that around Seymour’s “cone of shame” are instructions for how to deal with him. Phrases like “be nice” or “spoil me” are printed on the plastic cone, but judging by the face on this sour-puss, it would be safer to stay away.
Pint-Sized Possums
The ringtail possum is a small animal that’s native to Australia. This small creature spends most of its life in the trees where it eats flowers and different types of plants. Like most marsupials, baby ringtail possums are dependent on their mothers for survival.
Baby ringtail possums live in their mother’s pouch for about 120 days. This leaves the small animals especially vulnerable if something happens to their mother. Thankfully, this little possum was rescued by a vet. We’re sure that the animal was very thankful for this man’s kindness.
I Have Become One With the Wall
We’re not sure where this dog learned to hide against a wall, but it’s a pretty funny example of just how intelligent dogs can be. This dog thought that if she pinned herself against a wall, that she would become invisible.
Unfortunately, her “blend into the wall” plan didn’t go accordingly and she was forced to enter the building. We do have to give her credit, though, for coming up with that creative plan.
Where Are We Going?
Dogs can learn patterns and routines surprisingly fast. From knowing the distinct sound of the treat jar opening to the sound of water running for bath-time, dogs form associations very quickly.
This dog hopped into his owner’s car, assuming that they would be going somewhere exciting. Unfortunately, the only place they were headed was to the vet. This owner was able to capture his dog’s hilariously disappointed face when he learned about their little change in plans.
A Special Muzzle for a Special Dog
Working with animals always comes with the risk that one of those animals may bite. This owner did not expect that their little Chloe would bite, and was interested to learn that a special muzzle exists, just for pugs.
Pugs are considered brachycephalic breeds, or “short-headed.” These dogs often have short muzzles, or flatter faces in comparison to other breeds. Because they have shorter noses, and other breathing issues associated with their face and skull shape, a special muzzle is required.
What’s Going on Back There?
Because dogs and cats have higher body temperatures than humans, it can be difficult to detect a fever in a pet. The only way to accurately see if Fido is running a fever is by visiting the vet. Vets typically use two methods to read a pet’s body temperature — digital and rectal.
Because thermometers placed in ears can be affected by a variety of factors, rectal thermometers are still considered the “gold standard” by vets. While they can accurately take temperatures, their insertion often results in faces like the one this cat is making.
Ready to Break Some Hearts
When a pet undergoes a medical procedure, owners need to be cautious even after the surgery. Aftercare is especially important since many pets will often try to lick or bite their stitches, resulting in infection or the wound not healing properly.
This vet suggested that this cat take a more fashionable approach to healing, and recommended a baby-sized button-up shirt. When his owner uploaded the image of the well-dressed feline, multiple people joked that the cat looks like he’s ready to paint the town red!
Just Wait Until I Get Out!
It can be difficult to think of our precious cats as small yet ferocious killers. These tiny members of the feline family actually have more in common with their large relatives like tigers than most owners think.
This Reddit poster shared just how fearsome these kitties can be when they snapped this perfectly-timed photo of their cat trying to break free from the kennel at their vet’s office. This little tiger-in-training seems like he’s plotting his revenge… just as soon as his little teeth can pry open the kennel.
One Bunny Burrito Coming Up!
While small animals like guinea pigs and rabbits can make adorable pets, it can be quite difficult for a veterinarian to examine them. Because of their notorious wriggly nature, most vets will gently wrap their floppy-eared patients in a blanket or towel.
Known as the “bunny burrito,” vets will often swaddle the rabbit to help keep them calm and still during the examination. Not only is this an efficient way for bunnies to get proper medical care, but it also results in some pretty adorable photos!
Happy to Help!
While some dogs loathe going to the vet, others simply love it. This dog named Chunk “Chunky” Norris loves going to the vet so much, he volunteered to be an assistant to the vet tech.
Chunk Norris’ owner shared the photo on Reddit, which promptly resulted in the professional pup receiving dozens of comments. This photo goes to prove that not all visits to the vet have to be a negative experience.
A Face Only a Mother Could Love
There are some veterinary procedures in which dogs must be sedated or be put under anesthesia. While these are done in order for a dog to safely receive the medical care they need, it can often result in the dog making some strange faces.
These sedatives can often slow a dog’s reactions, giving them the appearance of being under the influence. This Australian shepherd decided that this hilariously contorted position was the most comfortable. His funny face was compared to a “Picasso painting” by one Reddit user.
#CurrentMood Is Mad
Whenever an animal undergoes a surgical procedure, it’s very important to prevent that animal from scratching or licking any surgical sites. Saliva from animals can harbor dangerous pathogens that can cause infection, while scratching or biting can pop stitches or reopen wounds.
While surgical cones are commonly used to keep animals away from healing wounds, sometimes doctors must improvise. This hilarious example of animal improvisation was shared by this cat’s owner. Funnily enough, the cat’s plate/cone says “#currentmood” — which we can assume is probably not a good one.
Bat Cat?
Cats can be tenacious creatures. They won’t let a little medical-grade sedative get in the way of their exploring. Despite having a hefty amount of sedatives in his system, this determined cat wanted to get onto his kitty playground.
After spending more than an hour and a half climbing up the structure, and falling five times, he finally reached the summit. According to the owner, the cat immediately fell asleep…upside down.
What a Feeling…
Seeing your pet undergo a serious operation can be a stressful time. Luckily, this owner understood that laughter can sometimes be the best medicine. After Ollie’s surgery, the vet placed him in a compression shirt to prevent him from accessing his stitches.
While the shirt had medical purposes, it reminded his owner of the 1983 dance film, Flashdance. Turns out Ollie looks like a slightly “less energetic” version of the steel mill worker turned ballerina.
The (Grumpy) Cat Is Out of the Bag
If looks could kill, then this unhappy patient should be behind bars. This photo was taken just after this cat, Nova, woke up from eye surgery. While his vision was probably not the best, Nova was definitely seeing red after this photo was snapped.
Between Nova’s frizzled whiskers and his confused look, it’s safe to say that he was not having a good time. We’re sure that this cat cannot wait to get out of this bag, and back at its owner.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
While we’re sure that the smile on this Yorkie’s face is from the medication he was given by the vet, he looks like he’s come back from the most relaxing spa experience of his life.
Like humans, it’s not unusual for animals who have taken sedatives to have a more relaxed demeanor. While we’re sure he was nervous upon arriving at the vet, it seems like it’ll be just smooth sailing from here on out.
Like parents of multiple children, people who own multiple pets understand the unique bonds between pet siblings. Pets that live together bond in interesting ways, and often become very protective of one another.
These cats seem to be meeting for the first time since undergoing a veterinary procedure, and are both equally confused by the large plastic disks around their heads. This Reddit user posted this adorable photo — capturing this confusing but heartwarming moment between her “coneheads.”
They’ll Never Look Under Here!
It’s a normal reaction for an animal to run away or hide from a stressful situation. This dog felt so scared that he chose the best hiding spot in the veterinary office — under a desk.
One would assume, from the dog’s dramatic reaction, that something extremely stressful happened to cause the dog to seek shelter. According to the dog’s owner, however, this game of hide-and-seek was prompted by the vet simply touching the dog’s ears.
Silly Smiles
This dog decided to grin and bear it for his photo used in his file at the veterinarian. It turns out that while his toothy grin resembles a human smile, it’s most likely what dog experts refer to as a “submissive grin.”
Submissive grins are a gesture that dogs make to inform other dogs that they’re not a threat. Dogs can also “smile” when they’re feeling uncomfortable, or threatened. We’re sure the staff at the veterinary clinic will be smiling every time they pull his file out.
Together Until the End
Like many animals, these cats aren’t exactly thrilled about their visit to the vet. These cats seem like they made a pact to stick together until the end…of their checkup.
With so few hiding spaces, this whiskered pair decided that the sink would be their best option to outwit those humans in scrubs. Unfortunately, their plan didn’t work, and the two somehow found themselves in this awkward position.
Plump and Proud
No one likes to be told by their doctor that they should shed a bit of weight, especially not this plump hedgehog. This hedgehog’s furious face says it all. The vet recommended that the spiny pet reduce his weight and lay off the worms.
As funny as his face is, obesity in hedgehogs is a real health concern. Overweight hedgehogs cannot roll themselves into a protective ball, and face other health issues. While this angry little critter isn’t happy about having to skip his favorite snack, it’s for the best.
For many people, ferrets make the perfect pet. These slinky mustelids often have energetic and entertaining personalities. The ferret’s inquisitive nature, however, can sometimes get them into trouble.
Ferrets use their mouths and teeth to explore new environments or communicate. This ferret decided to turn his trip to the vet into an opportunity to explore a new place and try new foods. Unfortunately, this new chew toy happened to be a vet’s chair.
Band of Furry Brothers
These three brave guinea pigs prove that anything is possible if you stick together — even scary vet appointments. These three Musketeers were photographed huddling together on the vet’s examination table.
Guinea pigs are highly social animals and prefer to live in groups of two or more. These ‘herds,’ as they are known, help members of the group feel safer and less stressed. No wonder these furry friends banded together at the vet.
The “Dog”-tor Will See You Now
It can be a nerve-wracking experience for pet parents to be separated from their pet while they undergo treatment at the vet. Luckily, this veterinarian knew that the best way to calm this pet parent’s nerves would be with humor.
This vet snapped this adorable picture of the boxer wearing a protective hairnet. The picture — featuring a doggo sporting a serious look and surgical cap — has racked up 400 comments on Reddit. Some posters even pointed out the boxer’s similarity to Neil Patrick Harris on Doogie Howser, M.D., calling him “Dr. Doggi Howzer.”
“Shaved Weasel”
This cat owner thought that they would take advantage of their pet being sedated and sneak in a quick haircut. What resulted was one of the funniest grooming “fails” ever. Maine Coons, like this cat named Coco, are known for their long hair.
Coco’s owner thought they would just trim off some of her matted hair. Instead, the haircut left Coco looking like a “shaved weasel.” Fellow Reddit posters cautioned Coco’s owner to sleep with one eye open, warning that the “grinch”-like cat was probably plotting her revenge!
My Little (Sleepy) Pony
If there were ever a picture that could inspire someone to become a veterinarian, it would be this photo. This picture was snapped by a Reddit user who happens to be an equine veterinarian.
The vet shared that his tiny patient is a miniature horse foal and that he’s about a week old. This baby horse preferred nap-time to chat-time when he fell asleep on the vet’s feet while his parents were speaking to the vet.
So Close Yet So Far
For some pets, even a visit to the vet can be filled with a multitude of temptations. This dog didn’t expect to come across a perfectly good toy, just slightly out of her reach. According to Lillian’s owner, she really really wanted this toy.
To her credit, Lillian behaved herself and was able to resist the temptation to take the vet’s toy. As a reward for her good behavior, she received lots of treats and praise. Her owner shared that she was exceptionally proud of her once-impulsive pup’s behavior.
Filing Can Be ‘Ruff
Going to the vet isn’t always fun and games. For this dog, going to the vet means another day on the clock. This adorable terrier works behind the scenes to make sure her furry friends get the best care possible.
This Reddit user shared a picture of what might be the cutest receptionist ever. The poster also shared that this pup loves to greet all kinds of animals at the vet’s office. It’s no surprise that this computer-savvy canine is so popular.
Proceed With Caution!
Most vets have had their fair share of unruly and aggressive pets. Because of this, most commenters on the Reddit post were wondering what exactly this cat did to deserve such a severe warning label on his cage.
It turns out that the cat had a good reason to be cranky. He had undergone surgery to correct a very painful urinary system blockage. While the poster claimed that this cat is actually the friendliest of her cats, it seems that he turns into the opposite once he gets to the vet.
Nice to Meet You
For some pets, going to the vet can result in meeting other furry friends. These two exotic pets were introduced while waiting to be seen at the vet. This Reddit user was able to perfectly capture the confused look on their ferret’s face upon meeting the masked animal.
While raccoons may be kept as a pet, they haven’t truly been domesticated like ferrets. Ferrets, which are believed to be descended from European polecats, are estimated to have been domesticated about 2,500 years ago.