“Empowering Elegance: 18 Men Redefining Posing for a New Era”

  1. 6 Your Best Angles

    Friends know each others’ best angles. If they don’t, you might want to think about whether they are really your friend or not. Or teach them and make sure they know.

  2. 7 Fitness Model

    OMG, this is too damn funny. Because it’s true. Every sexy Instagram model has at least one pic like this.

  3. 8 Do What You Love

    They say that when you do what you love, good things will follow. Does drinking wine in a tub count? Drinking wine in a tub while you pose for a photo that someone else has to take so you can post it on Instagram?

  4. 9 Felt Cute

    This is another one that I’ve DEFINITELY seen before. Look at those leggings! And his cute blue sneaks!

  5. 10 Bikini Wax

    This guy is FUEGO. But he forgot one thing. He has to cover up since he forgot to get a bikini wax.

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