Stray Who Was Forced To Give Birth In A “Pouring Rain” Is Finally Safe With Her Babies

Stray Who Was Forced To Give Birth In A “Pouring Rain” Is Finally Safe With Her Babies
Stray Who Was Forced To Give Birth In A “Pouring Rain” Is Finally Safe With Her Babies

There are times when it is extremely difficult to put into words the happiness that a dog can provide to a human being. On the other hand, in order to get at the destination, it is frequently essential to proceed through the most challenging situations.

Caitlin Evers, a seasoned rescuer, is the utmost knowledgeable about this. Caitie’s Foster Fam is a rescue organization that is based in Houston, Texas, and she is the founder of those organizations. Over the course of her career, she has been responsible for the rescue of a great number of animals and has fostered over 280 canines.

It was for this reason that she did not hesitate to go to work on a certain day when she received a call from the proprietor of the shop informing her about a stray who had been forced to give birth on the street when it was raining extensively.

Nevertheless, when she witnessed the plight of this puppy, she was astonished and heartbroken just like everyone else.

From Dark Clouds To Sunny Day

The Basset Hound, who would eventually be given the name Bentley, gave birth in front of the shop over the course of one weekend, as said in the TikTok video that was uploaded by @caitiesfosterfam. Additionally, the employees discovered the puppies on a Monday morning.

Additionally, Caitlin mentioned in the same video that there were numerous storms that occurred in Houston, Texas over the course of that weekend, which resulted in the mother dog and her newborn puppies being in a very precarious position. As soon as she laid eyes on them, this woman was overcome with immense grief.

At the time that she arrived at the shop, there were eight puppies accompanying their mother. Caitlin, on the other hand, said in a another TikTok video that Bentley had eleven kids, but that they were no longer alive when the employees found them because of the severe conditions in which they were kept.

The news not only caused Caitlin’s heart to break, but it also inspired her to do everything in her power to assist this Basset Hound family. She did not waste any time in taking each of them in her arms, carefully placing them in the car, and then driving them back to their house.

They were finally able to unwind in a bed that was both clean and warm after she had given the mother and her children an emergency wash due to the acute flea infestation that they were experiencing. After everything that they had been through, it was a huge comfort to Caitlin’s spirit to see them sleeping comfortably in warm blankets under these conditions.

Unfortunately, in the days that followed, one of the puppies passed away, and Caitlin was left feeling a great deal of dejection as a result. Nevertheless, this kind-hearted mother did everything in her power to make sure that the remaining members of the litter had a brighter future, which is the reason why they flourished more and more with each passing day.

After a number of days, the existence of this Basset Hound family turned out to be a wonderful blessing due to the fact that the sun eventually rose after a period of heavy rain and dark clouds.

The future was looking brighter for Bentley, as well as her babies Ford, Lincoln, Mustang, Audi, Porsche, Jaguar, and Rover, as Caitlin referred to them. All of these vehicles were on their way to greater success.

After everything that they have gone through, it is not that they did not deserve it as a reward.


This poor mama gave birth this weekend alone, on the streets, in the pouring rain. She sought out shelter anywhere she could, and she found her way into a shop. When the workers got there this morning, they saw her with her newborns. They made a space for her to rest with her babies while they reached out to rescues. That’s when I heard about her and rushed that way. The eight surviving puppies are hanging in there. They’re active and nursing. But they were cold and covered in fleas when I got them. We are fighting an uphill battle for sure. There are 5 boys and 3 girls. The smallest girl is about half the size of her littermates and appears much weaker. I’ll continue to give her the best chance, but odds aren’t on her side. It’s going to be tough for all of these babies, but their mama has fought so hard for their survival. So now we’re all here to help them. It’s all up from here. I just updated our rescue Amazon wishlist to include things we need for mama and her babies. Direct link in bio! To donate: Venmo @ caitiesfosterfam Cashapp $caitiesfosterfam #caitiesfosterfam

♬ Yellow – Acoustic – Beth

Numerous Reactions

For a considerable amount of time, Caitlin Evers has been sharing films of rescue operations on her TikTok profile. Through these videos, she consistently captures the interest of her numerous followers as well as the general public.

When it came to these few videos that portrayed the story of this Basset Hound family, the situation was virtually same. On the other hand, a video that was uploaded on TikTok on May 7, 2024, has garnered a lot of attention and taken the internet by storm.

From the many comments that were made, we choose to highlight only a few of them.

According to a user, “Despite the fact that she is afflicted with fleas and her babies, she continues to make an effort to safeguard them, expressing the hope that they attain greater size and strength.”

“You are a perfect example of a saint. Soon, I will be relocating to Houston, and I would be thrilled to become a member of your organization and be of assistance to you. “You are a divine being.” One more was added.

The third individual made a remark like, “Thank you for your assistance ❤️.”

Indeed, each and every one of us need to be thankful for everything that this woman with a great heart has accomplished. Despite the fact that we stressed the bravery of the mother and the entire Basset Hound family on multiple occasions throughout the narrative, none of this would have occurred if it weren’t for this kind and generous spirit.

She, along with the generous individuals who discovered this canine family when they were going through their most challenging times, is the person who is most deserving of the sun rising after the rain.

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