Rescuing the Rain Soaked Pups: Only to Say Goodbye

Rescuing the Rain Soaked Pups: Saying Goodbye to Lovely Friends
4 Rain Soaked Puppies

One night, heavy rain began pouring outside, and I couldn’t stop thinking about the rain soaked puppies. These five 30-day-old pups resided just four buildings away, along with their mother. We had been frequently feeding her, knowing she was nursing her rain soaked little ones.

That night, despite the darkness and absence of streetlights, I felt impelled to check on them. With an umbrella in hand, I walked over to the locked house where they were staying. To my astonishment, I found the pups playing merrily in the rain-soaked night. Their mother was nowhere in sight. They were cute, but I worried they could become sick from being outside in the weather.

Bringing the Rain-Soaked Pups Home

Bringing the Rain-Soaked Pups Home

It was lovely to see those five adorable puppies, all rain soaked, enjoying the rain, but I was aware that it was not a safe environment for them.

In spite of the fact that they are inside the fence, they were still exposed to the rain. The home became locked. I scaled the wall and brought each of them back to my house in a meticulous manner, proceeding one at a time.

Despite the fact that it was late in the evening, I was unable to abandon them in such deplorable and wet conditions. For the purpose of calming them down, I used a hair drier to dry them off and then fed them some curd. They were so small and defenseless, but now enclosed in my home, where they are safe and warm.

A New Routine with the Mother Dog

A New Routine with the Mother Dog

In the morning of the following day, the mother dog would come looking for her puppies. As she roamed around, she appeared as in a state of panic, most likely because she got concerned for her dogs, who proved rain soaked.

After we brought the puppies down to the ground floor, she came over right away to offer them something. She appeared relaxed, and in the days that followed, we established a new pattern for ourselves. There were three times a day when the mother dog would visit our house in order to nurse her young.

As soon as she saw that we would provide safe and sound care for her rain soaked puppies, she began to put her total faith in us. It was a lovely experience to witness the formation of this friendship, as she placed her trust in us during such a crucial period of time.

Naming the Rain-Soaked Puppies

Naming the Rain-Soaked Puppies

During the course of the days, we developed a stronger attachment to the puppies. As we watched them develop and flourish under our care, it was difficult not to develop feelings of affection for them. We made the decision to give them names that were congruent with their charming characteristics.

Rany, Dreamie, Jola, Cupy, and Cookie were the names we gave to these beverages. Even on the days when it was rain soaked, we were able to keep ourselves engaged thanks to their lively actions, which each had their own special allure. Since that stormy night, they had gone a long way, and it was a delight to see them in good health and being content with their lives.

Finding Their Forever Homes

Finding Their Forever Homes

After being rescued for the first time, the rain soaked puppies had grown stronger and had completed their weaning process four weeks later. Now was the time to locate households that would love them. I knew they deserved families who could provide them with all the love and attention they required, and although it was difficult to part with them, I ultimately decided to do so.

I took great care in finding suitable homes for each rain soaked puppy, making certain that they were going to live with someone who would provide them with adequate care. Having to say goodbye was a heartbreaking experience; nevertheless, the knowledge that they were content and well settled in their new homes offered me peace.

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