How I Started Running In The Morning At 5AM And Lost 100 Pounds

I had never run before, and I had no idea how to lose weight—but I knew I wanted to change my life, and that’s when I started exercising.


     I had never run before, and I had no idea how to lose weight—but I knew I wanted to change my life, and that’s when I started exercising.

     If you want to lose weight, wake up before sunrise. If you want to get in shape, run before breakfast. You may think that waking up early would be hard to do. But, I guarantee you that waking up every morning at 5:00AM is hard. I used to wake up at 5:30AM but that was too late for me. The hardest part about waking up early was that I’d be too tired to run and it’d be so cold outside. But, once I started running at 5AM, it didn’t matter how cold it got out there, I still got up and ran. Running before breakfast was not an easy habit to start but after running for a while, it became second nature. I found that running before breakfast made me feel energized, focused, and motivated. I lost about 100 pounds in one year, and the only thing that made me feel this way was running. Today, I still run at 5AM but it’s on my own time. I no longer get sleepy and lethargic before breakfast. My wife is still asleep when I run but it doesn’t matter because I still run. When it comes to running in the morning, I’m all about getting my running in. And I believe that if you run early enough in the morning, you can start losing weight and get into better shape.

     If you want to lose weight and have more energy during the day, then plan Running In The Morning At 5AM and Lost 100 Pounds, “A morning run gives you the energy you need to kick your day off on the right foot.” If you’re looking for a way to improve your morning routine, or if you simply want to lose weight, get stronger, or build endurance, a good morning run is one of the best ways to start your day on the right foot. Here are some usefull steps.

  1. Choose a route that’s right for you
  2. Create a plan for each run
  3. Create a training schedule
  4. Set realistic goals
  5. Be prepared: Make a checklist
  6. Stick to a routine
  7. Know your body type and how it will react to exercise
  8. Plan what you’ll wear and eat
  9. Train smarter, not harder
  10. Set small goals

      How often do you look in the mirror and tell yourself “I wish I looked better?” It doesn’t matter how great you look, if you aren’t motivated enough to achieve your goals. This is true no matter how much you love your physique. You may be a guy, a girl, or a mix of both, but either way you will probably face some form of body image issue at some point in your life.

     So, Here is some Motivation Weight loss Stories,  Who Fell In Love With Running In The Morning.

One Woman Lost 100 Pounds And Fell In Love With Running In The Morning

     She knew that she needed to change her life, so she started thinking about it. She didn’t want to go on vacation and come back to a fat friend who couldn’t remember how much fun she had with her. She needed to change her life. In order to accomplish this goal, she decided to exercise. A good way to start exercising is to walk. So she decided to walk around the block every day. She would walk until she got tired, then rest for a bit, and then walk some more. By doing this, she gradually built up her stamina.

Kelly Hogan, Lost 122 Pounds When She Fell in Love with Running In The Morning and a Strict Dite Plan

     Kelly Hogan’s story is a real inspiration to many of us, She lost 122 Pounds. We should try to get our lives back on track and lose weight by following Kelly’s example. Her story shows that if you follow a strict diet and follow running in the morning scadule, you will be able to maintain your weight loss without getting sick. You can eat more fat and protein than normal, but it must be in moderation.

     Many people try different diets, and some diets work for them. However, the problem is that the diet may last only for a short time. A typical dieter can quickly gain back the lost weight after the diet is over. For this reason, we recommend that you make a commitment to a long-term diet that will help you maintain your weight loss and not regain the lost weight. If you follow a diet high in protein and fat, you will be less likely to binge. Bingeing is when you eat a lot of food at one time. This can result in you gaining weight back after the diet ends. You should also avoid skipping meals. Skipping meals can cause you to eat more because you are looking forward to eating when you next have a meal.

LauraMictich, Lost 26 Pounds and Brought Her Body Back to a Leaner, Running In The Morning

     Laura lost 26 pounds in just 4 weeks! But her journey wasn’t a fluke or a diet fad. She changed her eating habits and exercise routine and started seeing real results that stick for life. In fact, she’s now able to go back to work, fit into her wedding dress, and wear clothes that used to look uncomfortable. Her story will inspire you to take control of your life, too.

Running is a very popular form of exercise. In fact, it’s estimated that more than 64 million people ran at least once in the U.S. last year. Running is also associated with many health benefits and is one of the best types of exercise to help you lose weight. This article explains how running can help you lose excess weight.

There Are Many Types of Running

There are many different ways to run, each with its own unique purpose and benefits.
These are the most popular types:

  • Basic Operation: Most people call this normal operation. They are short to medium length runways that are about 6 miles (10 kilometers) in length and finished at your natural pace.
  • Long Run: The longer version of the base run is done at the same speed but over a longer distance, about 10-12 miles (15-20 km).They help improve your overall health and endurance.
  • Interval running: Short, high-intensity runs are repeated several times, with short breaks in between. For example, 5 x 0.5 mile runs with 1/4 mile (400 meters) light running between every span. These runs will improve your running power and speed.
  • Slope rehashes: Like span runs yet done uphill. For instance, 10 x 1-minute slope rehashes. They train your running power and speed while additional creating perseverance.
  • Slow runs done more enthusiastically: such as slope rehashes, to add additional distance to your general run. For example, a 4-minute run at a comfortable pace after a longer run.
  • Movement runs: These copy contest style runs by beginning sluggish and completing at a quicker pace. They assemble perseverance, speed and diminish weariness. For instance, 5 miles (8 km) at a characteristic speed, then 1 mile (1.5 km) at a high speed.

Running Has Multiple Other Health Advantages

Running has been linked to a variety of health benefits aside from weight loss.
Running may help prevent or alleviate the following health issues:

  • Heart disease: A 15-year study with over 50,000 participants discovered that running five to ten minutes a day, even at low speeds, reduced the risk of heart disease by up to 45%.
  • Blood sugar: Running can lower blood sugar by increasing the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin. This promotes the movement of sugar into muscle cells for storage.
  • Cataracts: According to one study, both moderate-pace walking and vigorous running reduced the risk of cataracts, with more exercise directly resulting in a lower risk.
  • Falls: Running may lower the risk of falls in the elderly. According to research, elderly runners are healthier.

Running Plan

There are plenty of items to run, but most beginners can get through the bare minimum. This includes good running shoes, comfortable tops, water bottles and running shorts, leggings, or comfortable pants. It is highly recommended that women wear sports bras while running to reduce pain. If you plan to run early in the morning or late at night, reflective gear is also highly recommended.

The following are a couple of nuts and bolts you ought to be aware prior to starting a running exercise:

  • Recurrence: To begin, hold back nothing 4 days of running each week. This takes into consideration enough recuperation time between exercises.
  • Warm up: Before each running exercise, it means quite a bit to heat up and extend to set up your body for the run. Begin by extending, trailed by 5 minutes of strolling at a simple speed. Then, at that point, gradually progress to a power walk.
  • Cool down: Toward the finish of your run, try to chill off with 5 minutes of strolling, step by step diminishing the speed as you go.
  • Complete time: Go for the gold minutes all out. This incorporates 5 minutes for a warm up, 5 minutes for a cool down and 20 minutes of running/in the middle between. If you want to enjoy the

Get started

benefits of running, here’s a month-long program to help you get started. The beginner’s plan will start with alternating running and walking, increasing the number of minutes of running per week. Each set of activities is conducted 3 to 4 days a week.

Week One

  • 5 minutes warming up
  • brief running at your regular speed, and afterward 2 minutes moderate-pace strolling — rehash multiple times5 minutes cooling down

Week Two

  • 5 minutes warming up
  • 2 minutes running at your regular speed, and afterward 2 minutes moderate-pace strolling — rehash multiple times
  • 5 minutes cooling down

Week Three

  • 5 minutes warming up
  • 3 minutes running at your normal speed, and afterward 2 minutes moderate-pace strolling — rehash multiple times
  • 5 minutes cooling down

Week Four

  • 5 minutes warming up
  • 4 minutes running at your normal speed, and afterward 2 minutes moderate-pace strolling — rehash multiple times
  • 5 minutes cooling down

After the month is finished, attempt to advance by running for longer at your normal speed or strolling less between each run. Have a go at adding various styles of running as you feel more great.

On the off chance that you are not used to customary activity or have any prior ailments that can be impacted by work out, counsel a wellbeing proficient prior to beginning any activity program.


Running is an excellent exercise for weight loss. It burns a lot of calories and may help you continue to burn calories long after your workout, may help suppress appetite and eliminate harmful belly fat. In addition, running has many other benefits for your health and is easy to pick up. Unlike many other types of sports, running requires very little equipment, can be done anywhere, and there are many ways to keep things interesting. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself to run, try finding a running buddy or changing your routine frequently to increase the variety of your workouts.

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