How Do Boys Flirt?

Nobody wants to flirt in love, but boys nowadays do flirty chats, try different methods of flirting, even married men flirt with married women, and they flirt online for ease of access.


     Nobody wants to flirt in love, but boys nowadays do flirty chats, try different methods of flirting, even married men flirt with married women, and they flirt online for ease of access.

     Here are some tips and I would like to pull one strand out. Guys do flirt with a girl, because I feel that sometimes girls are confused about whether guys are actually in love or flirting. The guy is just being really nice to them.

     They will see you without blinking an eye for a long time. If he knows you, he will be catering to your every whim, which is quite unattractive.

     If the guy is flirting with you, it’s when you’re in a conversation with him and all of a sudden, he decides to hurt your shoulder or he decides to tell you he has nice hair, touch your hair, murphy like tells you something on your face or feel like tells you something on your face, and that is definitely an indication that he is flirting with you.

    If he wants to hang out with you alone instead of hanging with groups, I would say this is another sign.

     Because now he wants to be alone with you right now. If he’s going to tell you that he likes you, he’s probably going to ask you if you want to hang out with him alone. If you like him, you’ll probably do that.

     If you are at your locker at school or here at luncheon and he’s like always around you, like maybe the next person aside you or standing next to you all the time or he just wants to be near you, that could be another sign of the guy bringing you with him. What happens if he hopes that you will like to talk to him? That is always around you, I would say he’s trying to get directly flirt with you.

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